Chapter 50

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Poppy is almost finished with talking about his week. Branch just looks at him as she listens waiting for him to shut up. On has just finished making Branch's Turbo Tonic so she puts it in front of her. The glass makes an sound on the wood catches Branch's attention. The Queen turns her head to her and picks it up slowly.

" Now it's your turn. ",Poppy says happily.

" Thanks but, no thankyou... ",Branch says not interested in the conversation.

Poppy frowns at her response. He was hoping she would be encouraged to talk after telling her about his week. Then Poppy notices her Turbo Tonic. Branch brings her non - alcoholic drink to her lips and takes a sip. The hunter doesn't know it is non - alcoholic so he is starting to wonder if Branch's drink has alcohol. The spy has seen his friends and peers drink alcohol and he even drank some himself sometimes.

" What are you drinking? ",Poppy asks curious.

" Turbo Tonic. It's a Mocktail.", Branch answers honestly.

Poppy had heard about mocktails before back the village. Poppy knows that they are drinks similar to cocktails. He never tried one though. The spy mainly drank normal juices and punch at the village. Branch slowly puts her Mocktail down. A curious smile appears on Poppy's face.

" Oh,that stuff is non - alcoholic right?",Poppy asks happily and curious.

" Yes and healthy too. ",On says honestly.

" I honestly never had one but, I was told about them back home. Once one of my friends got dared to balance ten of them on himself while standing on one leg til he couldn't. He was so drunk when he did it and kept on dropping the drinks! ",Poppy admits honestly and happily and amused at the end.

Branch drinks some more of her Turbo Tonic. She has heard what Poppy just admitted. Branch and her Girl Squad never of that dare before! The Queen didn't find it funny or silly but, her friends on the other hand do find the story a little funny. A few of them let out a small laugh at the dare as Branch looks at Poppy that shows her view of the dare. She thinks it is stupid.

" I'll buy you one if you promise to leave me alone for a while... ",Branch says blankly and meaning it.

Poppy thinks she is just joking with him but, Branch wasn't joking! The hunter laughs happily causing the Queen to just look at him blankly. She blinks a few times waiting for him to stop laughing. After a minute the spy clams down.

" Nice one. For a second it sounded like you were trying to get rid of me. So what are you all planning to do for the rest of the night? ",Poppy says amused.

The Queen's plan was to get rid of him but, it clearly didn't work. Branch doesn't say a thing about her offer. She just picks up her drink and takes another sip. Molly starts answering Poppy's question happily.

" We are mostly winging it but, we are planning to go see a show few hours later after On is done with her shift. ",Molly says honestly and happily.

" The show's name is "A Love Story". It's about a love triangle. According to the posters Ross is truly in love with Emma but, Emma's father is forcing Emma to be with Ross's rich rival,Dean. Will true love reveal itself or will Emma do what her father wants? ",Lee says playfully with her narrator voice.

The show interests Poppy's curiosity. It is written all over his face. Cheryl looks at Poppy who is smiling happily with curiosity for a minute. Then Cheryl looks at Branch who is drinking the last of her third Turbo Tonic. The fangirl gets an idea as a smile spreads across her face. Looks like tonight Girls Night might make an exception for Poppy if most of the girls agree...

" Since your here and are fun to talk,Poppy. How about you join us to see it? I'm sure most of us won't mind having you join Girls Night for the one time...",Cheryl says chill.

Branch almost spits out her Turbo Tonic out of shock but, it went down her throat before she could do the action! Then all of the girls turn their heads to Cheryl taken only a little off caught. They all have questioning looks,especially Branch! A big smile spreads across Poppy's face.

"Really?", Poppy asks hopeful and happily.

" You can't be serious! ",Branch says softly still shocked.

" Well,I don't mind making an exception for tonight. What about you girls?",Cheryl says honestly and chill.

Josjos, On,Nightstorm, Molly, Lee,Dawn and Glimmer look for a brief moment. They share the same look as they think. They honestly don't really mind making an exception for Poppy. Plus they do have an extra ticket since Angelina cancelled last minute. She has to do some more work in her gallery. Then Josjos, On,Nightstorm, Molly, Lee,Dawn and Glimmer turn their heads to Cheryl.

" I don't mind. ", Dawn says honestly.

" Me neither. ",Glimmer says honestly.

" Why not?",Josjos says happily and honestly.

" No problems here. ",Molly says honestly and chill.

" It's fine by me. ",Nightstorm says honestly and happily.

" It's better than wasting our extra ticket. ",On says honestly.

" He can come along. ",Lee says honestly and happily.

" Well, I do mind... ",Branch says honestly,softly and unhappily.

The Queen didn't want to deal with a talkative Poppy for the rest of the night! Her meetings of the last week were nothing but,annoying chatting,fighting over stupid things and annoying useless points! She is sure at one point Poppy is going start talking and won't stop for hours which isn't what she needs right now. Her friends weren't driving her crazy but, Poppy could accidentally start it. Cheryl ignores Branch's dismay because, she truly believes Branch and Poppy need another push.

" Vote is eight to one. So Poppy you can have the extra ticket if you want it and have nothing to do later. On is holding into it. Also you will be sitting next to Branch in the middle. ",Cheryl says chill and happily.

Branch let's out a small groan of dismay. To her it doesn't feel like the world is on her side. Poppy on the other hand is very happy with the news. Poppy's smile becomes happier and little bigger. It's a perfect opportunity to spend more time with Branch! He doesn't have anything to do later. The spy has been hoping that Eddie and Savannah would take longer with their task but, now it doesn't matter since he can hang out with them later.

" I love to. It sounds great! I have nothing to do later anyway. ",Poppy says honestly and excited.

" Good than we don't have to waste the ticket. ",Cheryl says happily.

" Fantastic... ",Branch says sarcastic.

AN: This is for Broppy's own good even if Branch doesn't see it that way.

People added: The Vamp Girl Squad
(Character name - username)
Josjos - @Josjos4everBroppy
Lee - @OpefuLee
Molly - @cool_molly1816
Nightstorm - @COOLCAT1452
Dawn - @2andyscoming3
On - me
Cheryl - @TrollsFanatic
Glimmer - @XxGlimmer-SparklesxX

None of the people added are Genderbended in this fanfic! I don't own the Trollsonias or the OC's requested,except for On and my OCs! They belong to the people mentioned on the username side! I will add more people or OCs later on.

If you want to join in the fun of being added into my fanfic; go into the comments and ask me. OCs are welcomed too.

You can be a troll or a vampire.
Vampire = will be in Branch's group
Troll = will be in Poppy's group
You'll have a fan/friend relationship with one of them based off your selection.

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