Chapter 65

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Branch slowly walks into the throne room lost in her own mind thinking about her private conversation with Poppy in the Poetry section but, something was different. The throne room is still the same old grand throne room. The change wasn't somewhere around or near Branch physically but, inside Branch's heart something felt like it was more different. Branch couldn't recognize it and didn't understand it either.

Rosiepuff sees his granddaughter from the dinning room. The grandpa smiles at the fact that Branch is back home. She took longer than usual but, Rosiepuff wasn't too worried since Branch knew how to protect herself. The former king walks over to his only and favourite granddaughter who has is now standing in the middle of the throne room. As Rosiepuff reaches her he notices that she seems to be lost in thought. Then Branch notices her grandfather making her come out of her mind but, still has the same expression on her face.

" How did Story Time go, Princess?",Rosiepuff asks simply.

" Oh, it was fine...",Branch says softly.

The next few nights, Branch is with her Vamp Squad. Tonight is another Girls Night. They are waiting for On to come out of Midnight Delights as they stand outside the restaurant. On needed to get something she left behind by mistake. Most of them are chatting while Branch is lost in her own mind thinking about Poppy. The Queen doesn't say a single word as she wonders about the connection she had with the turned vampire. None of Branch seem to notice Branch's behaviour yet.

Then On comes out of the Midnight Delights but, she isn't alone. They recognize the Vampire. It's Sophie. Sophie is wearing a blue jersey with a pink heart on the front over her shirt and casual blue jeans. Sophie isn't like an official member of the Vamp Squad but, they see her as a good friend and won't mind her tagging along.

" I got my book back and Sophie doesn't have anything to do tonight so I invited her to join us. I hope that's okay you all. ", On says honestly.

Branch hasn't  noticed Sophie or On since she is so lost in her own thoughts. Lee,Molly,Angelina and Glimmer smile happily as Nightstorm, Cheryl,Josjos and Dawn happily and vocally welcome Sophie to Girls Night. Sophie smiles happily and shyly at them and their openly acceptance of her. Each vampire woman in the Vamp Squad were no stranger to different and they didn't care about how different how others were to them so Sophie wasn't going to be judged by them.

" Thanks for letting me tag along. ", Sophie says shyly.

" It's no problem.",Lee says happily.

" Your welcome to join us any time. ", Glimmer says honestly and happily.

Then most of the group starts walking away from the restaurant slowly still chatting. Cheryl takes a few steps forward then notices Branch is still standing in the same place as she turns her head. Cheryl turns around and notices that something is going on with Branch. The shipper becomes a little worried.

" Branch? Everything okay?",Cheryl asks concerned.

Branch snaps out of her thoughts as she heard Cheryl address her. The Queen notices she is standing by herself as she turns around to see Cheryl. The others are behind Cheryl and are only six feet away.

" Oh, it's nothing. Just got lost in thought. ", Branch says softly while partly lying a little.

What caused her to be lost in thought wasn't nothing but, Branch didn't want tell anyone. Branch isn't fully sure why Poppy is just in her mind lately. It's like he's doing something to her without doing anything. It confuses the Queen because, this never happened to her before. Cheryl gets the feeling that whatever took Branch's mind away wasn't nothing.

" Are you sure it's nothing?", Cheryl asks.

" I'm sure. It's nothing for you to worry about...", Branch says simply.

Meanwhile in the shelter, Poppy is in his bedroom. He sits on his bed with his journal in his hands. The spy smiles softly as he writes about Branch with a blue pen. She has been on his mind even more after they talked in the library. The man let's out a small and loving to himself unknowingly.

Then the pink glowbug Poppy has been using to send his letters knocks on the closed window with it's body. It is carrying a white envelop. The pink male hears the critter making him snap out of his thoughts. Poppy stops writing then turns his head to window confused. The curtains are apart so the spy can see the critter. Poppy smiles knowing that The Strings had replied to his latest letter. Poppy puts his blue pen between the page he was writing on and the next one then closes the journal and puts it down on his bed next him.

Then the man gets up and moves over to window. He quickly let's the cute critter and gently takes the letter from it. The glowbug flies over to the bed and lands on Poppy's pillow for a little rest. Poppy walks over to the desk and sits down on the chair in front of it as he slowly opens the envelope. He had left the window open but, didn't seem to care about that. He pulls out the letter from the envelope and discards the envelope on the desk.

Poppy slowly unfolds the paper wondering the letter will say then starts reading it quietly to himself. Within minutes he reaches the end of the letter but, then he notices something written at the bottom in Barb's hand writing. The spy reads it out to himself slowly.

" PS. Hey Poppy, here's a tip that always keeps a woman's full attention for me. Sometimes I just ask Riff this just to mess with her. It works everytime,dude! Try asking Branch about how she likes it in bed...",Poppy reads out loud.

Poppy's eyes widen in shock as his heart stops beating and his face turns a darker pink! The pink man literally falls off his chair with letter still in his hand! He knew what Barb meant. Barb just suggested he ask Branch about her sex life! He couldn't believe that Barb just suggested to him to do in the letter! The spy lands on the floor on his side still shocked. After a moment of silence the spy manages to recover enough to get back up and to talk. His face is still flushed and his heart is beating again.

" H - how am I going to even bring that into conversation? Why did Barb think getting Branch to talk about that would help me out? Branch will think that I - ",Poppy asks himself feel flushed.

Poppy couldn't see himself simply asking Branch about her sex life out of the blue. There isn't anything wrong with her having a sex life but, talking about it with her makes him feel so flushed. A few thoughts of Branch being completely naked intermittently appear in his mind making the spy's blushing face darker. Poppy rarely has a dirty mind but, that didn't mean that he didn't do the act himself. It was only a few times with his ex - girlfriend,Creek,but it wasn't really great or even good. Creek was Poppy's first and last. Then Poppy looks at Barb's message again. He notices there is more to it.

" LOL! I bet I got you Good! I was just messing with you but, it does work for me anyway. Good luck with the mission. - Barb...", Poppy reads out loud.

Poppy just rolls his eyes not amused by Barb at the moment. His blushing face had went back to normal. The spy puts the letter down on the desk shaking off a few of his thoughts.

AN: Barb just seemed like the type to joke like that with his friends to me

Broppy Shippers: Vamp Squad
On - Supertrollfan1 (Me)
Nightstorm - COOLCAT1452
Molly - cool_molly1816
Lee - OpefuLee
Josjos - Josjos4everBroppy
Glimmer - XxGlimmer-SparklesxX
Dawn - 2andyscoming3
Cheryl - TrollsFanatic
Angelina Amethyst - my BFF(not on wattpad)
Sophie -  @broppyforever_1352

None of the people added are Genderbended in this fanfic! I don't own the Trollsonias or the OC's requested,except for On and my OCs! They belong to the people mentioned on the username side! I will add more people or OCs later on.

If you want to join in the fun of being added into my fanfic; go into the comments and ask me. OCs are welcomed too.

You can be a troll or a vampire.
Vampire = will be in Branch's group
Troll = will be in Poppy's group
You'll have a fan/friend relationship with one of them based off your selection.

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