First day at UA

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Teacher: Check out the results from the exam.

Other Teacher: Wow, the first place student didn't even have Rescue points.

Another Teacher: He took down those faux villains like an ace. When most of the other examinees were running from the big obstacle, he stayed focused on letting the smaller targets get in close and then counterattacking. That kid is tough.

Teacher: Check out this one and his Quirk. Out of the most I've seen, this one is really unique. Did you check out when he turned his arm into a cannon? That was pretty cool.

Other Teacher: Check this one out, the seventh place student had zero villain points. 

Another Teacher: He's not the first UA hopeful to take out that giant robot. Though, it's been a while since I saw someone blow it away with one attack.

Random Teacher: But at what cost? Did you see how badly he injured himself? If you ask me, it's like his body isn't used to his Quirk.


You were getting all your clothing ready for UA.

Mom: Do you have everything?

You: Yep.

Mom: Nothing's missing?

You: Nope.

Dad: And you know what to do if you get bullied, or see someone else getting bullied.

You: I beat the bully up!

Dad: That's my boy! But no, seriously now.

You: I try to resolve the situation with words and only use my Quirk as a last resort.

Mom: Have fun at UA dear!

You: I will!

You leave your house but before you close the door-

Mom: And don't forget to say hi to that cute girl from yesterday!

You: Wait what!?

Mom: Bye honey!

Your mom closed the door and left you with only 1 question.

You: (How the hell did she know?!)

You shake the thought out of your head and start running to UA. Along the way, you meet up with Midoriya as you both start running.

Midoriya: Hey, Y/N-

You: Already know.

You grab Midoriya and form parts of your skin into poles and stretch them out to balance on them. The both of you made it to UA as you de-morph your body and you both run inside. 

Once inside, you two kept looking for class 1-A.

You: C'mon, where is it?

Midoriya: Ah! There!

The both of you stopped at the door and looked at it.

You: This thing is huge!

You gladly open the door and then-

???: Take your feet off that desk now!

Bakugo: Huh?

???: It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!

Bakugo: You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?

Midoriya: (Just my luck.)

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