The Final Match

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Match 5 preparations had begun as you and your teammates headed to y'all's side of the arena. While the 4 of you headed there, it was obvious you were excited as you failed to hide the joy on your face.

Mina: Looks like someone is pumped for this.

You: Ha ha, yeah. I wait to fight. I really wanna impress S/N, too. I'm eventually gonna pass her one of these days, so I have to show her how strong I've become. Plus, I've been meaning to test some more skills out.

Uraraka: Well, before we do end up fighting, we should come up with a plan. They got a bunch of people that can attack us from anywhere and catch us by surprise without giving away their location.

You: Yeah, you got a point there. And I can't make any extra ears or eyes like Shoji without there being a risk. If any important limb gets cut off, I can't just regrow it. We have a speed advantage, and when it comes to up close, that's where me and Midoriya shine the most. Other than that, our team doesn't have much. 

Uraraka: We can't lie in wait. And we only have 2 members who can shine in a close up brawl..

Mina: So we'll have to find them first and lead them into a trap. No sweat.

Izuku: And I can act as the bait.

Midoriya jumped down from a building, finished with his scouting.

You: Hey man, find anything?

Izuku: Sadly, no, not yet.

Mina: Hang on, didn't you say your Quirk was acting weird or something. 

Izuku: Yeah.. But I think it's fine now. After watching that 4th match, I'm pretty sure the other team will be on guard around me. They don't want a repeat of Bakugo's match. So I'll need to move more than usual.

You: Try not to get caught. And stay on your toes. 

Izuku: You won't need to worry. I can do this. We'll definitely win.

Uraraka: Yeah! 

Mina: Woo!

Vlad: It's now time for the 5th and final training match! This one's for all the glory. Are you ready? Do your best, as the last students down! Begin!

The 4 of you started running, not wasting any time. Midoriya quickly started leaping from pipe to pipe, making sure to be as much a target as possible. A large cylinder came barreling towards Midoriya as he effortlessly kick it away. 

Suddenly someone caught his attention as he ran to them. A little after that though, a scream was heard.

Shinso Uraraka: Ahhhh!!

The 3 of you looked at each other, just to make sure none of you were in trouble.

Uraraka: That scream wasn't us, so that was probably Shinso.

Mina: Funny to think of grumpy boy screaming in a girl's voice.

You: I'll get a vantage point to see if anything's coming.

You took off your gloves as you formed small blades on your fingers and climb up a few things to get a good view of the arena around the 3 of you. As you started looking around, you saw some floating objects as they started hurling themselves toward Uraraka and Mina specifically.

Mina: Acid Veil!

Mina destroyed the objects with a wall of acid as you continued looking around. More objects came towards all of you as you jumped down and formed scythe blades on your hands. Mina destroyed a lot of the objects, but more came as they grew larger.

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