Fight on, Y/N

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As you looked at the destroyed arena, you soon enough noticed Midoriya, on the ground, out of bounds.

Midnight: Midoriya is out of bounds. Todoroki wins!

As you watched them carry Midoriya away, you headed to the nursery office to check on him.

You: Hey guys, has Izuku been healed already? Uh--

You looked at Midoriya who had two caskets wrapped around his arms.

Recovery Girl: The bones in your right arm were shattered.  I'm afraid it'll never be the same as it was before. I need to remove the bone fragments or they'll get stuck in your joints. I'll heal you afterward.

You: (Dang, Izuku. You really pushed yourself this time around.)

Recovery Girl: You lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard, All Might. Look at what he's done to make you proud. I don't like it one bit. You're going too far. You hear? You and the boy. Don't praise him for what he's done today.

Uraraka: Deku!

Tenya, Tsuyu, Milo, & Mineta: Midoriya!

All Might: You scared the crap outta  me.

Uraraka: Are you okay? Oh. It's nice to meet you, sir.

All Might: Uh, yeah.

Recovery Girl: He's in no state for visitors.

Izuku: Hey, you guys. Shouldn't you be watching the matches?

Tenya: The stage was far too damaged. They're taking a quick break to repair it now. 

Mineta: That match was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life, Midoriya. What pro's gonna want a sidekick that hurts himself? 

Milo kicked Mineta in the stomach to shut him up.

Milo: Stop rubbing salt in his wounds. Definitely not a good time.

Mineta: Hey, I'm just speakin' the truth!

Recovery Girl: You're much too noisy. I know you're worried, but I've got to focus on surgery now. 

Tenya, Tsuyu, Milo, & Mineta: Surgery?

Recovery Girl: Go on. Get out of here.

Uraraka: But--

Mineta: Surgery's a big deal, isn't it?

Tenya: Will his wounds be healed?

Recovery Girl: Don't worry just leave me to it.

Tsuyu: Ribbit...

You all left Recovery Girl's office as you were all worried sick about what would happen to Midoriya.

Milo: I hope Midoriya's going to be okay. I didn't think Recovery Girl would have to do surgery on him.

You: I'm sure he'll be alright. Recovery Girl knows what she's doing.

Tsuyu: I hope so. Ribbit.

Present Mic: Alright! Now that the Arena has been repaired, it's time for the next match to begin!

You: Guess that's our cue. Good luck Iida.

Tenya: To you as well, L/N.

You and Iida made it to your spots, as the match started.

Present Mic: Over here, we have someone who is fast as lightning, but also made a complete fool of himself in the first round. From the hero course, Tenya Iida! And over here, we have someone who can make blades from his own hands. Also from the hero course, Y/N L/N. Begin!

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