The Big Three

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You got ready and headed to the common room for breakfast. You finished eating as you and the rest of your friends went to the main building.

Tenya: Listen up, everyone. Stay in line and move promptly into position. I want to see order! 

Hanta: You're the only one who's not in line. 

Tenya: The dilemma of a class rep! 

Neito: I heard a little rumor about Class 1-A. Two people! You had two people fail the licensing exam, you loser!

You: Good morning to you too, Monoma.

Denki: He's just as unhinged as usual.

Eijiro: Bet you were the only one in your class to fail. Just like in the final huh?

He laughed before turning his back.

Eijiro: That wasn't an answer.

Neito: Ha! Actually... Every one of us passed. We've pulled ahead of you big shots.

You: Uhhh... So? Just cause two of us failed, doesn't mean they're just gonna give up. Just means they gotta work a lot harder than anyone else to be heroes.

Shoto: I'm sorry. It's my fault.

Eijiro: He's the one who's turning it into a competition. It's not a big deal.

Pony: Accordin' ta teacher Vlad, we'll have classes together this semester--doesn't that sound like it'll be fun? I'm lookin' forward to it. 

You then turned to Monoma with a annoyed look on your face.

You: (Not with him, I'm not.)

You noticed Monoma whisper something in the girl's ear.

Eijiro: I can't wait to test out my skills!

Denki: Oh hey, isn't she the exchange student?

Pony: Touch me and I'll pummel you till yo mama doesn't know ya.

Monoma then gave her a thumbs up while laughing. But that laughter soon ended as Itsuka gave him a chop to the neck again.

Shinso: Hey. We're tryin' to get through back here.

Tenya: Our apologies. Come on, everyone. Save your chit chat for later. We're clogging up the hallways.

Shinso: I honestly can't believe how uncool you are.

You all went to a part of UA which happened to be outside, as Principal Nezu stood on a podium.

Nezu: Hi there! It's the adorable small mammal you all know and love, the principal. You may notice the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. I haven't been taking care of it. This is something that can happen to humans, too. Even if you eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals, you won't have a mane of luscious locks unless you're getting lots of sleep. That's the secret! Disturbance in your normal resting patterns are terrible for your hair. So, if you want to improve your fur's...

You started to zone him out a bit, he was only talking about hair after all.

Nezu: My own sleep cycle has been upset by the incidents that took place over summer vacation, which I'm sure everyone here knows about already. We lost a pillar of hope. The ramifications of which have appeared faster than I could've ever imagined. And there will likely be even more chaos throughout our world in the near future. In particular, this will be most apparent to those of you studying in the hero course. You must approach extracurricular activities, like the hero work studies available to second and third years, with a greater sense of caution... 

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