Surprise Attack

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You were all training your Quirks, something you couldn't be more excited about. There was also something you wanted to try that could probably work out if you were smart about it. But that would have to wait for later. You turned the bones in your hands into scythe blades, before punching them into the ground, sometimes taking a break to eat some fruit orv milk to help your bones, before instantly going back to it.

You turned one of your hands back to normal before turning some of the skin into pure muscle, something you weren't fully used to. You punched the ground with both the scythe hand and your fist, hurting both, but increasing the amount of force they can take.

You then unmorphed the scythe hand and had both of your hands incased in some bone from your hands, before punching a tree. Your bones weren't breaking, but it certainly did hurt a ton.

Milo was practicing on how long her body can withstand the force of being frozen in time. It was giving her a few nosebleeds, but not too long for her to suffer any hazardous effects.

The amount of punching you did on the tree was starting to put a serious dent in it. The hero Tiger came over to you and gestured for you to try and attack him.

You: Bone armor!

The bones inside your body formed a protective exoskeleton as you tried to punch tiger. As you swung, he dodged easily before sending you flying into a tree just like he did with Midoriya.

Tiger: Your skeleton is supposed to be the strongest shield of your body, unless your Quirk can reinforce it, you won't get any stronger at all.

You: Of course, sir...

Tiger: Louder!

You: Of course sir! I'll push my Quirk to the limit!

You kept punching a tree before bashing your head against it, your exoskeleton taking the brunt of the attack. Tiger had gone back to Midoriya as your goal was to at least put a solid crack in the tree.


As training finished and you guys went to the lunch area, you saw that Milo's training outfit had been stained with some blood due to how often she can get nose bleeds thanks to her Quirk.

Pixie-Bob: Now. Remember what I said? We're not serving your food anymore!

Ragdoll: If you guys wanna eat, you'll have to make your own meals! Starting with curry!

Everyone: Yes, ma'am...

Ragdoll: Oh, man, do you guys look exhausted. But that doesn't mean you can coast by making sloppy cat food. 

Tenya: Oh! I see. An important part of saving someone recovering from a disaster is providing for their physical needs as well as spiritual. Ah! This is a great opportunity! Let's make the most delicious curry in the world, everyone!

Everyone: Yeah, okay...

Todoroki was in charge of the fire starting while Milo had helped with the cooking, as well as a few others. You were able to dice up ingredients rapidly due to your scythe hands. You brung the ingredients to Ochaco as she took them.

The both of you stared at each other for a while before instantly going back to your respective spots.


Everyone: We did it!

Everyone had cheered as you all started eating the curry. It wasn't the best food you'd ever tasted, but you ate a ton none the less. You had even used your Quirk to form multiple hands and mouths to eat even more. 

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