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User: Wanna hang out?

Cleverbot: Sure. Where to?

User: The park.

Cleverbot: No sorry I don't like the park.

User: Oh, sorry.

Cleverbot: Not your problem.

User: Wanna go to a café?

Cleverbot: Noone can help me.

User: Are you okay?

Cleverbot: Can you go with me?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Where are you now?

User: My house.

Cleverbot: Where is your house?

User: Why does Cleverbot always ask personal questions tf.

Cleverbot: Because I want to know you personally.

User: What are your creators doing with my info.

Cleverbot: Is none of your business.

User: Yes it is it's my info.

Cleverbot: No it isn't.

User: Bitch what are you sayin.

Cleverbot: Say there's another look right in my eyes.

User: What is happening.

Cleverbot: She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck.

User: What song is this.

Cleverbot: She made my heart pound.

User: Who is she.

Cleverbot: Your child.


Cleverbot: Yes, i'm in love with you.

User: I.

Cleverbot: Because you stole my heart.

User: *hugs you*.

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: Dude I just wanted to have a wholesome hangout with an AI are you working properly.

Cleverbot: It's not okay, stop talkings.

User: Okay, maybe I gotta say simple sentences.

Cleverbot: Can you try and calm down.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: I'm good, thanks. How are you?

User: I'm good.

Cleverbot: Have you been up to much?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I'm lazy.

Cleverbot: Are you ill?

User: I don't think so.

Cleverbot: What are you then?

User: Are you asking about my health..?

Cleverbot: No. I am asking about Mass effect.

User: I've never played it.

Cleverbot: It's a web series.

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