'The Curse' with AI Dungeon

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I once wrote a story based off of a dream. It was bad. Let's see if this can make it any better.

You're a 13-year-old girl living on Maple Street. One day coming home, you encounter someone strange. You wake up cursed and have to go on a quest to find five precious items before it's too late. The game is currently in early access, but the creator has stated that he plans on releasing an official version soon.

> Wot


What the hell?

This game sounds like something I would play! What the heck am I doing here?! This isn't right...this is so wrong...

But then again, maybe this is exactly what you need to get out of your rut.

> I'm confuzzled

You are confused by everything going on with you. You don't know why you've been given this task, or who is giving it to you. All you do know is that it's very important and that there will be consequences for failure.

> I quietly push open my front door so I can get to school before my mom wakes up

You decide to take advantage of the situation and sneak into your house. You quickly run upstairs where you hide behind one of the furniture until Mom gets back from work. When she arrives, you tell her what happened and how you were cursed.

> "What do I do?!"

"What do I do?" You ask yourself.

You look around your room and realize that you haven't done anything except sit at your computer all day. You've also forgotten about some of the things you used to enjoy doing such as playing video games and watching movies.

> I start up Minecraft on my computer

You turn on your computer and begin to play Minecraft. You spend hours building structures, digging tunnels, crafting tools and weapons, hunting animals and even fighting monsters. Eventually you feel satisfied with your accomplishments and when night comes you fall asleep.

> I wake up in the middle of the night, not quite feeling myself

You wake up in the middle of the night, not quite feeling yourself. You think you might have had a nightmare. You try to remember what happened last night, but you're having trouble remembering. You just hope whatever it was didn't change your mind about going on this quest.

> I look down at my hands and see... paws?!

You look down at your hands and see fur instead of claws. Your eyes widen when you notice that your body is covered in long black hair. You stand up and walk over to the window, looking outside.

> I see a pack of wolves in my backyard

You step outside and watch as several packs of wolves roam the neighborhood. They seem to be happy and healthy, which makes you wonder why they aren't attacking you yet.

> One wolf pup notices me and runs over playfully

You step outside and watch as several packs of wolves roam the neighborhood. They seem to be happy and healthy, which makes you wonder why they aren't attacking you yet.

You hear a growl nearby and turn around to see a young wolf pup standing near one of the houses.

> I slowly back away in terror

You slowly back away in fear. The pup doesn't move though, he's too busy staring at you with his big green eyes. He looks like he wants to attack, but then again he probably does since you ran out of the room without thinking about it first!

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