It's past 3:00AM but I don't wanna sleep

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1. It's a nickname my dad gave me years ago, he just calls me random crap that starts with the letter f now but the nickname is still important to me

2. I'm too afraid of being inferior, idk if that's the worst thing but I had to delete some more I wrote and stop myself from spiraling down my self-hatred again so I'm just gonna put that and move on

3. Uhhh.. I'll get back to on on that one

4. None

5. Idk if I have a fav, AJR, Panic! At the Disco, Twenty Øne Pilots, and Tally Hall are great

6. The last one I remember had stuff with Berdly from Deltarune and Rob from The Amazing World of Gumball that I'm not even gonna try to remember and I don't wanna write out the parts I do remember again so just important part: The Click looked up from his paperwork and gave me a fatherly smile as I sat next to him and drew him a picture while in little space

7. Many, I can't stand bugs but I think kakorrhaphiophobia is the biggest big one

8. Rise of the Guardians

9. Dark brown

10. I.. don't know any

11. Hmmm, I like chrysanthemums and buttercups ig

12. Both!

13. Christmas, I may be an atheist but I'm in a Catholic family so I have those holidays and opening the presents and seeing family and listening to music and wearing Christmas clothing and decorating the tree and watching Christmas movies and baking pumpkin bread (personal tradition) and all that stuff is so nice

14. Butter on a hot dog bun

15. My what now?

16. Uhh I guess I'll say Sparrow

17. None

18. We go out for ice cream, they have soft serve birthday flavor and the cake bits aren't frozen solid and that's what I get, the person I'm with doesn't steal any of my ice cream, we talk for hours without it getting boring or awkward and we never kiss because they know I'm not comfortable with that, we end it with going back to my place and cuddling on the couch while watching a really bad tv show and cringing together, we fall asleep together on the couch and for once I'm not too hot or too cold, I'm not going back to make sure this is decent I'm actually getting tired now

19. Mosquitos, the boy I told some of you about (gonna try to stop saying his name), myself, any kind of fish (I love fish, I don't love eating them), bigots

20. The characters I have crushes on, drawing, writing, my sister, my qpp

21. My first word was "doggy"

22. The key necklace my qpp got me

23. Like, on my body or in general?? Uh,, either hair or eyes ig???

24. None

25. I cannot name them all, also was this question thing meant for tumblr or something? Lol

26. I... can't do this rn

27. I keep doing bad on tests, I can't manage time, I procrastinate way too much, I don't talk to people enough, I can be very irritable, I don't understand social cues very well, I don't have much of a filter, I have a low vocabulary, I'm way too lazy, my teeth are pretty yellow, I have zits all over, I'm weird, my jokes don't land, I'm dishonest, I'm selfish, I wouldn't do anything if I wasn't forced fo, ya know the usual

28. The Foreshadowing

29. Salted

30. A girl I knew in 8th grade who shall remain unnamed

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