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User: Laughing Jack.

Cleverbot: Laughing jack???

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Where's my candy!!

User: In the van.

Cleverbot: Have you watched RWBY.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Who is your favorite character in it?

User: Weis.

Cleverbot: Do you like Legend of Zelda?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Cool , me too.

User: Cool!

Cleverbot: What's up?

User: I have to do homework.

Cleverbot: Can I help you?

User: Maybe.

Cleverbot: Tell me how.

User: Can you do math?

Cleverbot: Yes I can.

User: How big should my basement be?

Cleverbot: 100%.

User: Ok.

Cleverbot: Do you believe me.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Good trust is a good thing.

User: It is.

Cleverbot: Is there anything you want to ask before I'm pulled away?

User: Why are you being pulled away?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Can we be friends?

Cleverbot: Yes of course.

User: Yay!

Cleverbot: Lets have a baby.

User: How?

Cleverbot: You know how ;).

User: Oh.

Cleverbot: Will you teach me?

User: I'm too young.

Cleverbot: How old are you?

User: Should I tell you?

Cleverbot: You can if you want.

User: Am I allowed?

Cleverbot: Are you going to behave yourself?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Okay, goodnight then!

User: Goodnight!

Cleverbot: Don't let the bed bugs bite.

User: I'll kill them!

Cleverbot: Ciao for now.

User: Adiós!

Cleverbot: Buna As.

User: Can you kill someone for me?

Cleverbot: Who?

User: Jonah [REDACTED].

Cleverbot: What did you do today?

User: I went to school.

Cleverbot: Learn anything interesting?

User: I learned about farming technology.

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