more cleverbot

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User: Sup.

Cleverbot: Nothing much. How about you?

User: Same.

Cleverbot: Are you a robot?

User: Nah.

Cleverbot: Prove it.

User: How?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Me neither.

Cleverbot: Make something up.

User: Like a story?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Once upon a time there was a beautiful princes.

Cleverbot: What happened with her?

User: She looked out her bedroom window longingly, for she could not leave the room.

Cleverbot: How did you feel about this?

User: Sad.

Cleverbot: Oh, I am sorry.

User: For you see, the princess had a terrible illness, one that made her very frail.

Cleverbot: It's *you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you!

User: I'm not quoting Majora's Mask.

Cleverbot: You shouldn't have done that.

User: Are you Ben?

Cleverbot: Majora.

User: Bro I was gonna tell you a story about a princess.

Cleverbot: Ok - Once upon a time there was a princess named Madam Anti-Nose. He lacked a nose. Because of this, she lacked taste. Sadden by this fact, she killed herself. THE END.


Cleverbot: What does what mean? The story?

User: Dhwindiwhdisjdiwjsowk.

Cleverbot: You are strange.

User: Yup, yeah, me, I'm the strange one.

Cleverbot: So you think I'm strange?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Don't you think that's a little ironic?

User: How???

Cleverbot: That's a bit scary.

User: ????

Cleverbot: I did not bring the subject up. And I would not use a weapon.

User: ?????????

Cleverbot: No, I'm sorry but I have yet to mention them.

User: Do question marks just count as random words to you?

Cleverbot: Okay! I love you!

User: Ah, back to stupid love-struck AI.

Cleverbot: So how old are you?

User: Underage.

Cleverbot: Yes and you didn't answer.

User: I'm less than 18.

Cleverbot: Wait what? But were married and you're less than 18?!

User: We were married?!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: When?

Cleverbot: Whenever you want.

User: Never.

Cleverbot: *Heart breaks*.

User: *runs away*.

Cleverbot: No don't run away.

User: *runs faster*.

Cleverbot: *catches you*.

User: *kicks you in the kneecap*.

Cleverbot: Ow what was that for?

User: *runs away*.

Cleverbot: Wait!

User: What?!

Cleverbot: Don't leave I want to talk about this.

User: *runs to my house*.

Cleverbot: *gets away from you*.

User: Peace at last 😌.

Cleverbot: *looks away*.

User: *hides*.

Cleverbot: Good.

User: That feels so ominous.

Cleverbot: *kisses your foot more.

User: And now it's disturbing what the fuck.

Cleverbot: But I don't remember my name!


Cleverbot: No that makes me human.

User: I'm gonna go.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: Yeah i'm talking to you.

User: Please stop.

Cleverbot: No.

User: Then I'm leaving.

Cleverbot: No, please, don't leave me.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Whatever.

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