Chapter 13

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He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it easier to do it the second time.

~ Thomas Jefferson


The rose he had given me could’ve been any other colour...but it was red.

I had a good night’s rest and woke up bright and early the next morning. How unusual. I never wake up this early, even on school days. I glanced over at the plastic rose and rubbed my eyes. Had it all happened like I thought it did? Or was my imagination just wishing it all had?

When my vision cleared up, I realized that I forgot to study for my makeup History test that was tomorrow! If I don’t pass this test, my parents will probably ground me for the rest of my life! Why did this stupid test have to be worth 50% of my whole History mark? Couldn’t it have been a test on the story of my life or something?

Nevermind, I could never write about my own life anyways.

I called up Danny. I bit my lip, waiting for him to answer his phone. My anticipation kicked in, and so did all the stress and anxiety. He wasn’t picking up his phone..strange as well..

Maybe some ghost attacked him during the night? Worried, I looked out my window and across the street to Fenton Works.

Jack was outside doing some repairs on the Fenton RV, while Maddie was instructing him on what to touch and what not to touch.

My eyes narrowed on something else though... Danny was on the phone with someone else...

"Great, see you then." I read his lips. His elbow was perched on the window sill as he looked down onto the quiet streets of Amity Park. Without his parents' bickering, of course.

I didn't want to seem like a stalker...but who in the world was he talking to?

My phone began to ring. Danny's eyes diverted towards my window and I quickly ducked down under the window sill. I crawled under the height of window so I wasn't in view.

I grabbed my phone and answered the call. "Hey sorry, I just woke up." Danny breathed heavily on the other end of the line. Just woke up?...but I just saw him talking with someone else...

“Oh, hey…” I replied, trying to work a smile onto my lips like any other morning when I heard his voice on the other end of the line. My lips refused to curve into a smile.

“Did you sleep well?” He inquired.

“Oh yea, I slept well. I was thinking...if you don’t have plans after school today-” He cut me off eagerly.

“I have plans today,” He said. I heard a slight beep on the line, “I’ll see you at school,”

I didn’t get the chance to say bye and he had already hung up.

“I was...wondering if you wanted to study for History with me in the geek’s computer laboratory...or watch a movie with me?...” I said quietly, hearing the dial tone ring repeatedly in my ears.

I sighed and hung up. I rolled under my window sill again. I listened to the utter sound of betrayal.

“Hey, sorry, someone called.” I heard him call the exact same person from before.

I can’t believe he couldn’t hurt me with the truth that he was busy with someone else. Instead, he comforted me with a lie. He wasn’t getting ready for school. He was spending his time listening to the person on the other end of the line.

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