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Tom's p.o.v

Dumbledore had called everyone to the Great Hall before dinner, are last two classes had been cut short and I wasn't complaining I hated them anyways, we all sat down at the Slytherin table, I sat far away from everyone else, Dumbledore started talking but I didn't pay any attention well not at first.

"There will be about twenty girls coming here to be married off but not just any girls they are royalty, so treat them well, now they will be married off into Pure-blood families only" Dumbledore said I started listening after that even though none of they would marry me, and I wouldn't care if they did.

Y/n's p.o.v

I was sitting in the garden of the castle reading a book when my sister Madison who's thirteen came running into the garden, I looked up from my book she sat down next to me "I didn't think mother would like it if she knew that you were running" I said "well don't tell her I was" she said "is something worng?" I asked looking at her "if you didn't pack your bags then yes" she said while picking a flower from the bushes behind us "we're leaving today, now actually" Madison said.

Madison and I got to the carriage that was in front of the castle "where have you two been?" My mother asked in a stern voice "in the garden" Madison said and got inside, I followed shortly after "where are we going mother?" Madison asked once we were a few feet away from the castle, our mom didn't tell us where we'd be going.

"We're going to a school" mother said, when we got there is was nightfall the castle was huge their was lights on inside of the castle, many other carriages were heading towards or already at the foot of the castle. We got out of the carriage it looked so beautiful, there was a lake at the bottom and small hunt down a hall, Madison looked around with wide eyes "is Y/n going to live here mother?" Madison asked "no but we'll be staying here a while" mother said and lead us inside the castle.

When we got inside it was warm and brightly lit, when all of the families were in front of two great big oak doors there was a woman standing there, she was wearing a emerald green dress with a black hat, she had glasses and grey hair in her hands was a pice of parchment paper "I'm prefosser mcgonagall, you will be getting your assigned rooms after the feast, girls follow me" she said and turned around and faced the oak doors.

She walked towards them and they opened revealing four lage tables, all of the girls walked inside I was standing in the middle of the line, everyone's eyes were on us and everyone was whispering something to their partners, we came to a stop right in front of a long table with very old looking people sitting at it. The oldest looking man stood up and walked over to his stand at the front of the Great Hall, everyone stopped talking and looked up at him, he began speaking.

"Everyone please welcome are new guest, they will be staying with us for the intire school year" he said everyone started clapping "I would like you to treat them the same way as you treat each other, now girls sit at any table" he said all the girls went to different tables, I sat down in between two girls one had bright red hair and the other had bushy brown hair, across from us was two boys one had the same red hair as the girl and the other had reven colored hair with a lighting blot scar on his forehead.

Everyone starting eating the boy with red hair was eating almost all the food on his plate at one time, he had food all over his face and hands the girl with brown hair looked at me "I'm Hermione Granger this is Ginny, Ron and Harry" she said while pointing at the girl with red hair, the boy with red hair and the boy with reven hair who's face was a bright shade of pink. The girl that I now know as Ginny smiled and waved at me I returned the favor because that's what I was told to do.

"Aren't you a Princess?" Ginny asked Ron choked on his food "I am" I said "then why are you out here?" She asked and Hermione hit her with her hand gently in the arm "it's marriage season" I said "I've read all about that" Hermione said "you have?" I asked "yes, the girls always come out there at the age of sixteen to be married off into a Pure-blood family" she said, Ron and Harry's faces fell at her words "wow, I gusse you do read" I said.

After the feast was over all the girls got were they would be sleeping "your sleeping in the dungeons?" Madison said, she and mother had eaten with everyone else "yeah that's what it says" I said and handed her the paper "that's so cool, me and mother are sleeping in the Great Hall with the other families" Madison said and looked a little disappointed about it "I'm sure it's better then the cold dungeons" mother said.

I said good bye to Madison and mother then headed down the the dungeons, when I finally got inside I was met with a cold breeze and everyone's eyes on me I looked around it was black and green and dimly lit, it wasn't bad. I walked up the staircase and found my room.

Tom's p.o.v

I was sitting in the common room when the doors opened everyone turned their heads and looked at the door it was a girl one of the princess from earlier she was wearing a blue dress that had white flowers in the sleeve her hair was half up in a bun and half down her shoes were black flats, she looked around and then headed up the staircase, we had been told my Professor. Snape that some of the princess were going to be staying with us and I was given a roommate.

Well shit

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