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Y/n's p.o.v

I woke up early the next morning, I got up and grabbed a black dress that had grey flowers going from the bottom of the dress up to my knees, the same grey flowers were on my sleeve they started at the bottom and ran up to my elbows, I pulled my hair into a high ponytail. I grabbed my books and headed to the Great Hall on my way there I ran into Harry "hey Y/n who did you sleep?" He asked "good, how about yourself?" I said "fine I gusse" he said I nodded my head.

After my classes I met up with Madison "how's your arm?" I asked "it's okay for the most part" she said, we headed to the lake "have you talked to any boys?" Madison asked "a few" I said "are they going to marry you now?" She asked "no that's not how it works" I said "then how does it work?" She looked up at me with curious eyes "you'll find out when your sixteen" I said. I headed back to my room tomorrow was Saturday which meant that there wasn't going to be any school tomorrow.

"Why are you always in here?" Tom asked "what else is there to do there?" I said "aren't you supposed to got married?" He said "yeah that's why I'm here" I placed my book on the bed "then go talk to boys, the faster you talk to them the faster your gone and that means the faster I got my room back" he said and sat down at his desk. I got up and grabbed my book and my bag and left the room. I walked all the way down to the small hunt, from inside the window I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione talking to a tall mane with brown hair and a brown beard.

I continued to walk down the hill, there was a forest at the edge of the castle, back at home in the back of the castle there were woods with live animals but mother blocked off the woods with grass hedge's. I found a small log and sat down, the forest like many others had trees with moss on them, a little bit of grass, it was dimly light, misty and froggy. I pulled out my book, after a well it got darker the before I closed my book and headed back to the castle, when I got there the corridors were lit up by candles that hung from the walls. I made it back to the room, it was pitch black I sat my bag down by the door and tried to walk over to the closet.

I tripped over something and fall flat in my face "lumos" the room was suddenly light up by a bright blue light I sat up and looked over at the bed Tom and a girl I didn't know was sitting up, Tom had his wand out "I'm sorry I didn't know" I said and quickly got up, I dusted off my dress and left the room.

I headed to the Gryffindor common room Fred and George Ron's older brothers showed it to me once before I had an okay memory so I knew where to go, I stood outside unsure if I should say the password "password" the lady in the painting said "I'm not going in" I said and turned the other way, before I reached the end of the staircase I heard someone call my name "Y/n!" Fred called I turned around "hey guys" I said "what are you doing out so late?" George asked "I went for a walk" I said "are you sure you didn't come all the at up there just to see us?" Fred said making me giggle "I'm sure" I said "suit yourself" George said they turned away and started heading back to the painting.

"Wait!" I called they turned around "yes" they said at the same time "could I stay?" I asked "of course my lady" Fred said while bowing with George "it would be our pleasure" George said I smiled and headed inside with them. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting by the fire and Ginny was talking with a few girls in the back of the room "Y/n what are you doing here?" Hermione asked "I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight" I said "a sleepover it is" Ginny said and hugged me.

We got to their dorm room it had four poster beds with red curtains around it the sheets were white and the blankets were red "that bed is empty so you could sleep there" Hermione said while pointing to a bed by the window that over looked the lake "thanks" I said and sat down "why aren't you in your room?" Ginny asked "well I share a room with someone" I said "who?" Hermione asked "Tom Riddle" both girls stopped right in their tracks "what's worng?" I asked.

The girls sat down next to me "are you okay?" Ginny asked "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said while looking from Hermione to Ginny "it's just he's pretty aggressive" Hermione said "oh" I didn't know actually what they meant by that and it was starting to scare me now that I knew that fact about Tom "can I ask you guys a question?" I asked "sure anything" Ginny said "who's the other boy that's always with him?" I asked "that's Theodore Nott one of Tom's best friends" Hermione said "why do you ask?" She asked "he came into our room a few times and asked me to do his homework" I said and looked down "I would try and stay away from them out of all Slytherins" Ginny said.

She and Hermione got up "well good night" Hermione said "night" I said and slide under the covers, it was warmer then the dungeons at night which I found it more welcoming, that night I fall asleep faster then I ever had in my whole entire life.

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