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I picked up my dress and run over to Madison mother was standing up against a wall with her hands crossed over her chest shaking her head, Madison had tears falling from her checks she was sitting up holding her arm Hermione, Harry, Ron and Ginny came over as well "what happened?" Ron asked "she fell from the tree" I said and kneeled down next to her, we all took her to the Hospital Wing, there was ab old lady sitting at a desk at the very back of the room writing something on a piece of parchment "Ma'am pofrey" Harry said the lady liked up at all of us "which one is it now?" She asked while walking towards us "it's Madison the Princesses little sister" Hermione said.

The lady lead Madison to a bed and went to grab some things "that was very unlady like of you Madison!" Mother yelled while walking into the Hospital Wing "I'm sorry" Madison said, the lady came back and bandaged Madison's arm "it's broken so she'll need to keep pressure away from it" the lady said "thank you" I said she nodded her head then walked away "come Madison" mother said and started walking away "I wouldn't have fallen if she had just shut up" Madison said and hopped off of the bed "bye Madison and be careful" I said as she left "alright bye" she yelled and ran out of the wing.

I went back to the bedroom and sat down at the chair and pulled out my homework, I dipped the tip of the quill into the ink bottle and began my homework.

Tom's p.o.v

In the past twenty minutes I had ran into at least thirteen princesses all trying to get my attention, I was heading back to my bedroom when a girl with long blonde hair with green eyes came up to me "hi I'm princess-" before she could finish her sentence I shut her off "I'm not interested" and walked away, when I got into the room Y/n I had rectally learned her name was fast asleep on the desk, the ink bottle was open she had a little bite of ink on her check and still had a quill in her hand.

I sat down on the bed and took off my shoes, I layed down and turned on my side, I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep as I was starting to drift off the bedroom door suddenly flow open Y/n fall off of the chair I sat up and saw Theo in the doorway "were you guys asleep?" He said "no" I said Y/n got up and sat back down "Professor. Snape said to give those to you" he said and handed a stack of papers to Y/n "what's this?" She asked "it's homework" he said "I already have my homework" she said and sat the papers down on the desk.

Theo looked at me then at her "it's my homework" he said and laughed I chuckled "I'm sorry?" Y/n looked confused "that there is my homework and your going to do it" Theo said I looked from him to Y/n "says who?" She said while getting up from the chair "says me" Theo said while walking closer to her a smile was clearly visible on my face "well I don't take orders from you, if anything you take orders from me" Y/n said and picked up the papers "I believe your missing something" she said and thrusted the stack of papers back into his hands and left the room.

"Wow she's mean, gusse I have to find another princess to do my homework" Theo said and left the room.

Y/n's p.o.v

I saw Hermione and Ginny they were with one other girl I didn't know she had long blonde hair and blue eyes, she was wearing a pink jacket with blue jeans "Y/n!" Ginny called I smiled and walked over to them "hi I'm Luna" the blonde girl that I now know as Luna said while holding out her hand "I'm Y/n" I said and took her hand "we were going to the library to study did you want to come?" Hermione asked "sure" I said and followed them to the library.

The library was big but not as big as the one back at home there were many different kinds of books some old some new, some looked a little old and a little new at the same time, there books were all on magic or stories about magic they all grabbed a few books then sat down at a table "so how do you like it here so far?" Ginny asked "it's okay I gusse" I said "you'll get used to it" Luna said with a smile. "Did you see any cute guys yet?" Hermione asked "not really" I said "what happens when you don't marry after this?" Luna asked "I'm not completely sure about that" I said.

I was sitting on the bed when the door opened I looked up from my book and saw Tom walk in he threw his bag on the ground and sat down on the edge of the bed, I hesitanted on asking him what was worng but decided against it. I grabbed my nightgown and headed to the closest bathroom, I locked the door behind me and turned on the hot water, I added some  bath soap, I turned the water off and undressed. After my bath I finished getting ready for bed, on my way back to the bedroom I ran into someone "I'm sorry" I said "it's fine, what's your name?" A boy with white-blonde hair said "Y/n Y/l/n" I said "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he said.

When I got back to the room Tom wasn't there I got into the bed and fall asleep.

Tom's p.o.v

When I got back to the bedroom Y/n was asleep on the bed I walked over to her and shook her awake "what?" She asked slightly annoyed "your in my spot" I said "I didn't see your name on it" she said, I rolled my eyes and pushed her to the other side of the bed "hey!" She yelled "you were in my spot" I said and layed down, she turned on her side and fall back asleep.

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