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I woke up to sunlight shining on my face today was Saturday which means that everyone is sleeping in to at least 8:30 I got out of bed and walked over to the window and sat down, it over looked the lake below the sunlight was shining across the water which made the water glitter. I made the bed and headed to the dungeons, when I got there I knocked on the door after a few minutes the door was opened by the boy that I now know as Theo "can I help you?" He asked "I just came to got my things" I said and pushed my way passed him "where's Tom?" I asked just now only noticing his absence "he left a few minutes ago to go to the bathroom" Theo said and sat down.

I grabbed my clothes and left the room, after I was changed and ready for the day I went back to the room to grab my bag and a few other things, Theo was gone but Tom was standing with his back facing me "good morning" I said, after what I was told I didn't know what to say to Tom that would put me in his bed side when Tom turned around I knew in that moment that I should have just kept my mouth shut "what do you want now?" He spat "I just came to grab a few things that's all" I said and looked at where I had placed my bag last night "where's my bag?" I asked "what bag?" Tom said.

"The bag that was right here" I said while pointing at the spot where my bag was yesterday "oh that one, it's over there" Tom said then turned back around I walked over to where he was pointing at and grabbed my bag and left the room. I ran into Madison on the way there "hey did you want to came with me?" She asked "go with you were?" I said "to get this thing off my arm" she said while holding up her arm "sure" I followed her to the Hospital Wing.

After her bandaged was off she left without even saying goodbye, I walked over and sat down under a tree that was in the courtyard "hey Y/n right" I looked up from my book and saw Draco Malfoy standing in front of me "yeah" I said he sat down next to me "what are you reading?" He asked "Romeo and Juliet" I said "what's that?" He asked "you don't know Romeo and Juliet" I said and looked at him surprised "no" he said I told him all about Romeo and Juliet.

After a few hours I got up "well I have to be somewhere" I said he got up as well "I will see you around, and by the way I'm a pure-blood" Draco said with a wink then walked off, if I'm being honest I liked him much better when I didn't know that, I liked Draco as a friend but nothing more, he was the third pure-blood that I knew the first three where Ron, Fred and George.

Two months later

It had been two months here and I haven't find anyone that I liked that was a pure-blood more then just a friend, I was starting to lose hope in trying to be married off "let's be honest here, I'm never going to find anyone I'll be single forever" I told Madison "no you won't, you just need to stop reading Romeo and Juliet" Madison said "what's that supposed to do with my marrying someone?" I asked her me and Madison were walking along the Black Lake "your just trying to find your Romeo" Madison "I still don't get it" I said Madison stopped and so did I "your trying to find someone that like Romeo but let's face reality no ones Romeo and no ones ever going to be Romeo" she said, I still didn't get her point.

"Look you just have to marry someone or mother will have a fit about it, you don't actually need to talk to them, Y/n I've seen the way the guys around here look at you they all like you, just pick one and they will happily marry you without question" Madison said "wow I didn't know that you were this smart for a thirteen year old girl" I said "well I'm smarter then I look" she said with a smile.

We headed back to the castle for dinner, maybe Madison was right maybe I just could pick someone out of all the pure-blood guys that are still left and marry them. My options weren't very much though there was Draco, Blaise, Theo, Ron and Nevlie I would have thought that Draco was going to be the first one off of the list but I gusse not. After dinner I was heading back to my room when someone grabbed my arm "what the hell!" I yelled I pulled my arm out of their grip and turned around "that's not a very good way to talk to your mother Y/n" mother said "sorry mother" I said and looked down "I want to know why your aren't married yet the season is almost over" mother said "I just haven't found the one" I said "Y/n this is not about 'the one' it's about marrying someone for their money, just pick someone your making our family look like fools" she said.

"I'm sorry" I said "hurry up I'm sick of being the talk of the castle all I hear when I walk around is 'why can't her daughter find someone' 'no one wants her daughter' I'm sick if it all now marry someone before I choose for you like I should have done in the first place" she said and walked away, I felt tears fall I hated being yelled at but I hated being yelled at by mother more because she always had a way of making someone feel bad about themselves.

I quickly whiped the  tears away but more came after I picked up my dress so that I wouldn't trip when I ran and began to run into the forest, it was dark and cold in there at night I knew it was because I've been in there before, I sat down at the same log as always and cried, I hated being a princess everyone thought it was great the dresses, the name, the crown, the respect but it wasn't at least that wasn't the case for me. There was no good thing about being a princess for me it was all bad, I always wished for another life ever since I was a little girl but it never happened.

I gusse one good thing about being a princess was that if I wasn't I would never of had Madison as my little sister she was great, kind and loved animals, she was like me when I was younger, I gusse that's way we're so close.

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