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I walked into the room it had grey walls and white wall trims at the top and bottom of the walls there was a big double bed in the middle of it a small desk with a few pieces of parchment paper on it, a quill and an bottle of ink, a closet and a dresser and that was about it, in the paper in my hands said that I was sharing with some one but there was only one bed, I sat down on the chair in front of the desk and looked out the window it overlooked the lake at the bottom that was now cometeply black.

The bedroom door opened and in walked a boy he was wearing a uniform that was all black with a green and silver tie, he had messy brown hair and had dark brown eyes, he looked at me then rolled his eyes and sat down the bed, he took off his tie and shoes "what are you just going to stare?" He said with angry in his voice "sorry" I whispered and looked back at the window.

He layed down on the bed with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed over one another he was looking up at the ceiling and sighed "the closet is empty" he said I nodded my head and began to unpack the silence was akward, I was used to the weary silence but this was just different. After I finished unpacking I sat down at the edge of the bed, he stood up and went over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of black and green pj's.

I looked away as he began to undress after he was done there was a knock on the door "come in" he said and laid down on the bed the door opened and a boy with the same color hair and eyes came inside "who's the girl?" He asked looking from me to the boy on the bed "nobody, did you need something?" The boy on the bed asked "just wondering if you had any ink" he said "on the desk" the bot walked over and grabbed the ink and left the room.

"What's your name?" I asked hoping to break the silence "Tom, Tom Riddle" he said and pulled the covers over him he looked at me "are you just going to sat there all night?" He asked "where would I sleep?" I asked "on the floor or something, figure it out" he said and turned the lights off. I got up and sat in the chair I waited for him to fall asleep when he finally did I got up and left the room, as I was walking I ran into a small figure "Madison?" I asked "hey Y/n" she said "what are you doing?" I asked "I could ask you the same" she said "I was out of a walk" I said "same" we walked back to the Great Hall together.

The next morning I woke up and completely forgotten were I was, I sat up and looked around the sun was out now and the air was clod and the grass was wet from the morning mist, I must have fallen asleep on a bench outside I walked back to my room. When I opened the door Tom was sitting on the bed talking to the same boy from last night "where did you go?" Tom asked but didn't seem to be very interested in my answer "I woke up early" I said and walked over to the closet and pulled out a white dress that had lace at the bottom and clear sleeves.

The boys left the room and I changed my clothes and pulled on some flats I put my hair into a half up half down and stack some small sunflowers in it I walked out and went down to the Great Hall.

Tom's p.o.v

I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Theo when my new roommate walked in she was wearing a white dress with lace at the bottom her sleeves were clear and she had small sunflowers in her hair "so what's her name?" Theo asked "I didn't ask" I said "your sharing a room with a girl and don't know her name" he said "yes and I don't intend to know her name" I said Theo didn't talk about her for the rest of breakfast.

I headed to my first class of the day History Of Magic the must uninteresting class in the whole school, I sat down in my useal table the one at the very back of the class that was all was empty, my roommate came in and sat down next to me "princesses have to take classes now" I said "yes" she said and looked around the room.

Y/n's p.o.v

I wasn't having a bad day so far I saw Madison a few times but didn't talk to her yet, I haven't ran into mother yet which was great since she would have had something to say about my outfit for today the only question was what part of my outfit didn't met her standards. At lunch I was sitting under a tree trying to finish my book when Madison came up to me "mother's going to kill me" she said her face was a scared and worried "what happened?" I asked looking up from my book "there's a hole in my tights" she said her white tights had a pretty good size hole in it.

After I helped her clean her cut she changed into a new pair of white tights "thanks Y/n" she said and went back out to the courtyard "no more climbing trees!" I yelled after her "okay" she yelled back, when I turned around mother was running up to me "Madison come down from that tree right now!" She yelled I turned around and saw the Madison was climbing another three, Madison slipped and fall from the tree landing on her arm.

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