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I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by someone calling my name from a distance "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU!" They called it was more then one voice I realized everyone of them "OVER THERE!" I called back not even seconds later Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny and Madison were all around me Madison hugged me "I went to check on you but you weren't there" she said I rubbed her back I could hear her heartbeat "I must have fallen asleep" I said as she pulled away "are you okay?" Ron asked "we heard all about your fight with your mom" Harry said "I'm fine" I said "it's 3:30am" Ginny said "we should really head back now" Hermione said I nodded my head.

We all walked back to the castle together, I had forgotten about what my mother had told me only hours ago, we all parted ways and headed to bed when I opened the door the light was on but Tom was asleep I hadn't talked to Tom in a while and he didn't seem to mind it was better that way, Tom was laying on the bed his legs crossed over one other his hands holding a book that was laid flat on his chest I walked over to him, his hair was messy and a few pieces were in front of his face. As a princess your told to be kind and nice to everyone and everything no matter how mad they are to you.

Tom wasn't mean to me at all but he was toward other people and smaller kids, I brushed the hair that was in front of his face to the side and moved his hands, I picked up the book and closed it when I looked at the cover I saw that he was reading none other then Romeo and Juliet my favorite book, I have never seen him with the book before it wasn't my copy it was newer then mine was. I placed the book in the desk and gently pulled the covers over him, I changed my clothes and got into bed.

Tom's p.o.v

I woke up in a completely different spot, I was under the covers and my book was messing, I sat up and noticed that Y/n was sound asleep next to me, I got up quitely and grabbed my wand "lumos" a bright blue light came out of the tip of my wand I walked over to the desk and saw that the book was sitting right there I didn't have to wander how the book got there and how I was under the covers, Y/n is a kind, nice, caring and sweet girl so she was the one behind it all.

I sat down and looked out the window, it was probably around 4:39 when Y/n woke up I turned around the blue light still on "turn that off" she whispered I keto the light on and still on her, her hair was a little messy she rubbed her eyes and looked at me "how long have you been up?" She asked "it's none of your business" I said and looked away from her, she got up and walked over to me. She sat down on the ground next to me I looked down at her "what are you doing?" I asked "I'm sitting down what dose it look like to you" she said and looked out the window.

It was silent for the rest of the time, Y/n got up and grabbed a jacket and left, I sat there the silence was weird I got up and left the room. I walked down to the lake and saw Y/n sitting under a tree looking at the lake "are you following me now?" She asked "don't get your hopes up" I said and sat down next to her "why are you so mean?" She asked, I didn't expect her to ask me that question. That was a question I couldn't even answer myself, I looked at her she was looking at me, she smiled a little when I looked at her.

She looked away I did the same it was silent I didn't know if she was still waiting for me to answer or not. "The sun is about to rise and it's better to watch from this here" she said "why's that? I'm sure it looks the same from every other view" I said "well I find it pretty when the sun rises over the lake if you don't then your can leave" she said. She was always straight forward with everyone from what I've heard and seen, she was a princess and we all know they are nice to everyone and never talk back but Y/n was different she talked back to anyone if it was needed and she wasn't always so nice.

The sun was starting to rise from behind the mountains, when the sun was half way up the surface of the water was glittering and the colors from the sky reflected on the surface of the lake, Y/n was right it was truly beautiful from this view. Her little sister Madison came running down to us "Hey guys good morning!" She yelled "why are you so happy?" Y/n asked her "I just am" Madison said and sat down next to Y/n and I "I'm Madison" she said "I know who you are" I said "Madison that's Tom" Y/n said "nice to met you Tom" she said.

After a while I got up and left the two girls alone by the lake without saying goodbye to them.

Madison's p.o.v

I was walking down to the lake when I saw Y/n sitting under a tree with a brown haired boy that had brown eyes his name was Tom I have heard about him from everyone, I didn't know what to do I wanted her to talk with him alone even with all the bad things I've heard from other people about him I wanted to see if this would work out. I didn't know what he was like truly like, Y/n shared a room with him and hasn't said anything bad about him yet.

I decided to ran down towards them, after Tom left us I looked over at Y/n.

Princess [Tom Riddle x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now