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Still Madison's p.o.v

I decided to ran down towards them, after Tom left us I looked over at Y/n. "So Tom huh?" I said with a smile "what are you talking about?" She asked "come in you two where out here alone watching the sunrise together" I said "there's nothing going on between us Madison" she said "your liying, that was the most romantic thing I've ever seen you do with a boy since we got here" I said "it's not like that Madison" she said and got up and left me there alone "it's definitely like that" I whispered to myself.

Y/n's p.o.v

I felt bad for leaving Madison there be herself but she wasn't making any sense, what happened with me and Tom early wasn't 'romantic' at all. After breakfast mother had yelled at me again I ran to the lake and sat there and cried. There was only one more month until the season was over I would have to redo the season no one in the family had ever came close to having to redo the season "Y/n?" I heard the voice of Madison I looked up she was standing there with a handful of red roses she sat down next to me.

"Maybe I am a disappointed to the family" I said "your not a disappointed, your the best big sister ever" she said and placed the flowers on the ground in front of me "Madison I'm going to have to redo the season" I said "your not because I have a plan" she said I looked up at her "what plan!" I asked.

Madison tried to pull me up from the ground but it didn't work she fall down instead making me laugh "okay your going to have to get up by yourself" she said I stood up and looked down at her "what now?" I asked "now you do as I say" she said and walked back to the castle. I followed Madison into my room she pulled out my makeup bag and threw everything that was on the desk off the ink hit the floor and broke into a million tiny pieces but Madison didn't seem to mind at all she pulled out the chair "sit down" she said I sat down and looked at her "Madison what are you-" I started but she cut me off "don't talk, LUNA, GINNY, HERMIONE!" She yelled all three of them came into the room.

They did my hair, makeup and gave me a new dress and shoes "what's all of this for any way?" I asked "you'll see" Luna said "go change" Ginny said "hurry up go" Hermione while pushing me out of the room. I was finished changing I turned around and looked into the mirror.

Your makeup

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Your makeup

Your makeup

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