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I didn't want to leave Hogwarts tomorrow was going to be the last day here, Tom turned around and faced me "are you okay?" He asked "yeah I was just thinking" I said "about what?" He asked he was at least a few inches closer then before "stuff" I said his lips were now ghosting mine "may I kiss you?" He asked "you may" I said he leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. His hands were on my waist and my hands were around his neck, we pulled apart Tom chuckled "what?" I asked a small smile on my lips "nothing" Tom said "we should really go back now" I said Tom nodded he grabbed my hand and lead me back to the Great Hall "where have you been young lady!" Mother yelled while running towards me and Tom Madison following after her.

I was speechless and freezen in place "what are you doing with him?" Mother asked shortly after we had got here every princess and their families found out who was a pure-blood and who was not, mother didn't like me hanging out with Hermione and Harry but I still did mother all so tried to change my roommate but they wouldn't let her they had told her that all rooms were full. "It was my fault miss I told her to come with me she didn't want to come with me" Tom said it was no secret how my mother treated me and Madison everyone knew about it.

"Very well we will not speak of this every again, come inside now I found you a good man" she said and grabbed my wrist Madison looked at me and Tom with an apologetic look mother forced me into the Great Hall before the doors closed I looked back and saw Tom standing there looking sad which was a look that no one ever sees.

Madison's p.o.v

I was getting a drink and that's when I saw Y/n sneak out of the Great Hall I had always knew that Y/n was the type of person to marry for love not because her mother or everyone else wanted her to marry a pure-blood boy for his money, I felt truly sorry for her after she was married off into a family it would be my turn to do the same when I turned sixteen which was something I was not looking forward to at all. After a while mother had realized that Y/n was missing when we left the Great Hall Y/n was spotted with Tom a half-blood who I had no problem with and actually kinda liked for Y/n by mother we all knew she was dead meat.

"Where have you been young lady!" Mother yelled while running towards Y/n and Tom I was following after her, Y/n was freezen in place "what are you doing with him?" Mother asked shortly after we had got here every princess and their families found out who was a pure-blood and who was not, mother didn't like Y/n hanging out with Hermione and Harry but she still did mother all so tried to change her roommate but they wouldn't let her they had told her that all rooms were full. "It was my fault miss I told her to come with me she didn't want to come with me" Tom said it was no secret how my mother treated Y/n and I everyone knew about it.

"Very well we will not speak of this every again, come inside now I found you a good man" she said and grabbed Y/n's wrist I looked at Y/n and Tom with an apologetic look I knew that Y/n liked Tom just by the look on her face early and at the lake and same with Tom but I just couldn't be for sure until now, mother forced Y/n into the Great Hall before the doors closed Y/n and I looked back and saw Tom standing there looking sad which was a look that no one ever sees.

After Y/n met the boy she was to marry I sneak out of the Great Hall I had a plan if it didn't work I was for sure going to be dead by sunrise I was doing this for Y/n and me I wanted her to be happy and she was with Tom it wasn't hard to tell since she wasn't very good at hiding it. I went down to her room and knocked on the door it was silent so I knocked again it was still silent on the other end I slowly opened the door and saw Tom looking out the window "hi" I said and closed the door behind me "Madison go away" Tom said and turned around to face me "you know my name that's great" I said with a huge smile "look I have a plan" I said.

Tom looked at me confused "look I'm a very observe it person and I know how you feel about Y/n and how she feels about you" I said "I feel nothing for Y/n" he said "if so then why did you cover for her" I said he looked at me shocked "how did you know?" He asked "I didn't I just guessed and you just told me that" I said "so what's this plan?" He asked "I thought you would never ask" I saobserveid. I sat down on the bed facing him and told him all about my plan and everything and how it was going to work.

After that I handed him a small black bag "look at it when your alone" I said the left.

Tom's p.o.v

Madison told me she had a plan but it didn't make any sense but I didn't tell her that she handed me a small black bag "look at it when your alone" she said then left I opened the bag and reached inside once I found it I pulled it out of the bag a small box when I opened it inside was a small but still quite beautiful ring there was a little letter with the ring box.

I brought the ring myself

I know what I had to do before she left.

Y/n's p.o.v

I was walking along the lake with Theo he was the one I was supposed to marry "look Y/n I know about what happened earlier tonight" he said "oh" I whispered "that's why I'm not going to purpose to you" he said I looked up at him "it's not that I don't like you, your just not my type and I'm Tom's best friend I could never do that to him" Theo said which made me feel batter "thanks Theo" I said and without thinking I hugged him which to my surprise he hugged me back.

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