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I wanted to write a little something to all of the best limelights out there. without you, your love, and your endless appreciation for music. I would not be in the place I am today. you guys are a wonderful fanbase. but.. we have some flaws to work on; hate.

a lot of hate is what drives a lot of musicians down a dark path, many of us have lost our spark, smile, etc. especially after reading things our loved ones get every once in awhile, and sometimes it's constant. we know how much you guys love us, we love you all too. 

but hate is a lot, it's hard to deal with, especially when many forget, we are still HUMAN; no matter our job or our life circumstances, we are HUMAN. we have EMOTIONS. please keep in mind, we are adults now, we are no longer teenagers. 

we are a MAN BAND now. 

I hope you all have a fantastic morning or evening, timezones are weird.


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