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005 ⎯⎯ another failure



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in awe of the woman's beauty. Suddenly she began to run forward, snapping the kids out of their daze. She ran past them to a figure.

"Is that...?"

"The body we collected." Yashiro cringed, the horrifying doll staring forward. The woman smiled, fussing over the doll. 

"This is amazing!" She gushed. "I never could figure out what human bodies were made of! Thank you all so much!" She beamed, leaning closer to the doll.

"Come on Misaki, walk for me."

She blew a kiss to it, the doll slowly beginning to stand. Y/N shrunk back, the doll looming over them. 

After a few seconds of being frozen it's arm fell off, the rest of it slowly collapsing. The woman stayed silent, staring at the pile of body parts gathered on the ground. 

"U-Uh miss," Yashiro stepped forward, "Were there any other kids that came up here?" She questioned, the woman staying un-moving.

"Oh you mean the other failures," She paused, "just look, they're all around you."

Yashiro looked up, a mountain of dolls behind the woman. At the foot of the mountain to the side was a familiar doll, a piece of paper covering her face.


Yashiro ran over to the girl, Y/N following behind. She dropped in front of her, shaking her shoulders. "Aoi! Aoi wake up!" Y/N bit her lip, watching as Yashiro tried to wake her friend.

"I try and I try but nothing ever works, I've had enough." The woman sighed, strutting over to the two girls. "As for you three...."

Yashiro continued crying and shaking her friend, the dolls head suddenly popping off. Y/N dropped to the ground, the girls watching as it rolled away. 

"I will tear you apart."

Suddenly Kou appeared, blocking an on-coming scissor blade. Y/N snapped out of her haze, glancing to her brother. "Kou...your arm..." He turned to her, "Make sure senpai's okay." 

Y/N turned to Yashiro, the girl crying over her friend's lifeless body. Y/N grabbed her hand, squeezing it so Yashiro would look up.

"Um- Nene-chan, I think our friends will be okay." She assured, a voice sounding behind her. 

"She's right." The two girls turned to Hanako, the spirit smiling. "No life can begin here but then, no life can end here either. Those with the most power, are the ones who don't give up."

Yashiro wiped her eyes, slowly nodding. "I-I'll do anything!" 

Hanako grinned, "Anything?" 

↳ [Unedited]
no editing 

the friendly spirit.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt