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004 ⎯⎯ misaki



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"𝐘/𝐍 𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐊!!"
The girl quickly wrapped her arms around her head, dropping to the floor. Hanako appeared in front of her, grabbing the scissors. He turned, landing a swift kick on them, the screw coming out.

"You did it!" Yashiro cheered, Kou knocking the dolls away from her. "Not yet." Hanako turned to Y/N, picking her up under his arm. The girl's cheeks burned a bit, the spirit starting to run. "Kid- !"

"I'm on it!" Kou grabbed an arm, tossing it into the shrine box. The box closed, the doors beginning to open. Quickly the kids dashed through them, the doors shutting securely behind them. 

Yashiro fell to the ground, Hanako placing Y/N down beside him. She breathed out a sigh of relief, slowly lifting her head. "It's just- more stairs and dolls?" Hanako nodded, Kou letting out a groan. 

Suddenly the ringing of a phone filled the air, Hanako reaching to answer it. He cleared his voice, the others leaning in curiously.


"My left arm, please find my left arm. Every morning, I pay a visit to the shrine to pray for my students good health. I put my left and right hands together to pray. Do hurry, class-"

"Hey number 2!" Hanako interrupted, Yashiro and Y/N exchanging looks. "Long time no chat! You do remember me don't you?"

The line stayed silent before Misaki's voice spoke again. "Class will be starting soon, do hurry." A beep then rang through the phone, Hanako placing it down. 

"I just wanted to say hi." He shrugged. "You know her?" Yashiro questioned, the spirit nodding. "We're both school mysteries after all." The girl nodded, Kou groaning.

"Isn't there anything we can do to hurry this up?!" He whined, Y/N sighing. "Actually there is." Hanako held up a finger, smiling. "The Yorishiro, all we have to do is destroy it."

"That's great!" Yashiro and Kou jumped forward, Y/N peeking from behind them. "Where is it?" She asked, Hanako floating over to her. "It's in the inner most reaches so..." He motioned upwards, his friends following the motion.

Above them were stairs upon stairs upon stairs. Y/N sweat dropped, Yashiro laughing nervously. Kou threw down his staff, "Are you kidding me?!"


And so they found each of Misaki's body parts, slowly climbing to the top until they reached a set of huge doors. The doors creaked, slowly opening. The group stepped inside, fog spilling out of the room. 

"Um," Y/N clutched her staff, tugging Hanako's sleeve. "Do you hear that?"

Faintly, the sound of heels tapping on the floor could be heard. The sound began to get louder, a figure appearing in the fog. They stepped out, a woman appearing. 

She was dressed in a traditional kimono, her blonde hair pinned up with a white and red bow. She had on faint makeup, her green eyes piercing.


↳ [Edited]

the friendly spirit.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt