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010 ⎯⎯ suspicious



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Y/N nodded in agreement, her brows furrowed in determination. Kou turned again, continuing to crawl through the bush. 

"We need to find something to convince nii-chan that Hanako isn't as bad as he thinks." Y/N nodded, Kou continuing. "So we're gonna watch him and find proof, even if it means skipping class."

Kou finished, coming to a stop as he peered around the corner. Y/N looked over his shoulder, both twins sweat-dropping as they thought the same thing.

He's so suspicious.

"Who's there?"

Kou yanked Y/N down, the two ducking beneath the window as their gym teacher scanned the yard. After a minute they heard him mutter something, his footsteps fading down the hall. 

Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, turning to Kou, instead being met by Hanako. "What'cha doing?" He grinned, Y/N's cheeks burning. "Uh-"

Kou pulled the ghost down, sighing. "We're trying to see if you do anything bad." Hanako chuckled, sitting up. "Skipping class for me? Such passion!"

"Shut up! Gimme that!"

Kou snatched the ghost's pack, unwrapping it as Y/N peered over his shoulder. After scanning over the several items, Y/N looked up, clasping a hand to her mouth.

"It's not what you think." Hanako deadpanned, taking the pack back. "I'm gathering stuff the mokke stole and returning it." He explained, Y/N sighing in relief. A smile pulled her lips, he wasn't doing anything bad.


Both siblings looked up, Hanako stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Could you guys help me with something?" He motioned to a shiny object on the side of one of the school's towers, the object glinting in the sun. Kou shrugged, Y/N nodding.

"Okay sure!"


"A littleee lower..." 

"Nghh..." Kou grunted as he leaned out the window, Hanako's feet hooked on his shoulders. The ghost stretched his arm out, reaching for the object. "Lower..."

Y/N chewed her lip, watching as Kou leaned further out the window. "Please be careful guys." Kou seemed to be staring off into space, Hanako making a noise of relief. "I got it! Hey Kid- Wah!"


Kou snapped out of his daze, looking down to the falling boy. He turned to run down the stairs, Y/N already ahead of him. 

"Hanako!! Hey wake up!!" She fell to the ground beside her friend, shaking his shoulder. Tears brimmed on her e/c eyes, Y/N slowly placing a hand to her lips. 


"Wow that was so scary!" The spirit sat up, Y/N jumping back at his sudden gesture. "I totally thought I was gonna die!"

Y/N nodded slowly, Kou watching from behind her. "B-But aren't you already dead...?" Hanako froze, a smile creeping up his lips. "Oh right!" He and Kou began laughing, Y/N breathing out a sigh of relief. 

"Oh by the way here." Hanako held out his hand, dropping a earring into Kou's palm. The blonde stared at it for a moment before looking up with a grin. 

"I made up my mind! I'm not gonna try and exorcise you anymore!"

↳ [Edited]
finally updated

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