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hey guysss so this is my first fanfic and I'm a little nervous so I'm sorry about this lol hehe

um so this is an omegaverse and if you don't know what that is then go google it or smth I don't wanna type it all lol

here are some additional things.

1. alphas can control their knotting

2. alphas can scent objects. for example, if the omega wanted the alpha's scent on an object, the alpha could scent that object and the scent would remain for 15 days give or take a few.

3. for an alpha to "help" an omega with their heat, no smut is required just recommended because the omega is most firtle at this point. 

4. the alpha needs to remain with the omega for a while after their heat wave to avoid the omega dropping from panic. 

5. you trigger the heat by messing with the scent gland 

6. the scent gland is located right in between the shoulder muscle and the neck.

7.  heats last for about three days.

8. if an omega gets a heatwave and doesn't have their alpha with them for a certain amount of time they will nest. (surrounding themselves with things of the alphas such as clothing, blankets, pillows, etc.)

9. if the omega smells the scent on their alpha while in heat that may trigger a heat wave or make the heat wave more severe.

ok so guys I may come up with other ruled further in the story so just lookout for that. also, the next chapter or two will be fillers so if u don't wanna read that u don't have to.

ALSO A HUGE THANK YOU TO  Jax_ the_omega_queen_ !!!!!! I got a ton of ideas from them.  you should definitely go read some of their stories. they're amazing. 

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