idiotic upperclassmen

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hey, guys so sorry I didn't post for a while my computer was dead and I don't have a phone but ill prolly get one soon but anyway I'm sorry and I will try to get better about that cuz my computer charges at the speed of a slug going from one end of Japan to the other.

Tsuki! Tsuki wake up!

I opened my eyes to Yamaguchi shaking me awake.

"c'mon Tsuki wake up! 


"uh... well you see, im starting to feel weird and I can't find my suppressants..."

"I put them on your desk," I said tiredly, sitting up.

"oh, there they are thanks."  he walked over to the desk and picked up the bottle. 

"AHH!" he screamed



I hurried to where Yams was and... wow.

Noya was sitting on a branch outside the window waving and laughing.  Yamaguchi ran over to the window and opened it.

"what are you doing?"


I walked to the window and saw Tanaka at the base of the tree laughing.

"Why are you here of all places," I said coldly

"Because you guys are a happy couple now. omega and alpha, together forever!" 

I and Yams looked at each other with very annoyed faces. 

just then, Asahi and Ennoshita ran up to where Tanaka was.
"We are so sorry about these two please forgive them. " ennoshita said, bowing.

"Noya! get down here!"

"ok!" Noya jumped out of the tree.

"NOYA!" Asahi barely caught him.

"Nice catch Asahii!!!"

"Never do that again." Asahi said.

 then, Kayoko stuck her head out the window of the first floor. 

"hey! what are you guys doing?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Yamaguchi. we'll be going now," Ennoshita added, bowing again.

We closed the window. Yamaguchi looked at me and blinked.

"the heck just happened?" 

I shrugged

"well since we're awake can we go eat something?

He wrapped his arms around my chest. I hugged him back, savoring the way he felt underneath my fingers. 

"of course"

then I kissed him. this was the first time our lips had touched when both of our brains were rational and coherent, and I relished the way it felt. 

We broke apart and looked at each other, Yamaguchi looked flustered. I laughed and hugged him again. Then I noticed the sour smell of his heat was getting stronger, and his skin heated up a few degrees. 

"yams, you need to take your suppressants now."

"nnnooo sscennt me firsst"

"I cant. That'll make it worse."


I tried to reach for his pills as I felt myself slip slowly into a rut.

"nnooo." he reached up and started gnawing on my scent gland.

I finally reached my rut suppressants, as they were closer.  I figured the heat suppressants wouldn't do anything at this point. I took them with much difficulty, as Yamaguchi continued to fall deeper and deeper into his heat. 

"ok, ok now can help you."


he fiddled with my pant button as I undressed him.

"Geez, how many times do we have to go through this?" I got him undressed and he sat on my lap, trying to be patient, but I could tell he was very miserable.

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