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Everyone was silent for a moment. Then havoc. Everyone was so excited about the pack house and living together and shit. I can't say that either I or Yamaguchi were too keen on the idea.

Then, there was another whistle.

"quiet, please. There are a few drawbacks. Omegas need to have a trusted alpha, and they need to be temporarily or permanently marked. So Yamaguchi..."

"Actually! I have to tell you all something."

He stood up abruptly and walked in front of Suga.

"Uh, so,"

He pulled down his shirt to show his freckly left shoulder, also revealing his mark.

Everyone gasped. The volleyball club slapped their hands over their mouths.

Yamaguchi beamed as everyone in the club went and hugged him.

"Uh- hehe- um-"

"Who marked you!?"

"Yeah! It isn't someone that the school gave you- is it?"

"Was it Tsukishima?"

"How long ago?"

"How'd it happen?"

He was bombarded by questions until I stood up and shoved everyone away.

"Yes, I marked him, so what? You all mark each other all the time, sheesh."

I grabbed his hand and sat back down on the floor. Everyone sat in stunned silence. Then they started whispering.

"I think this is the most I've ever heard him speak!"

"Well, I must say, I was not expecting this."

Then another whistle from Suga.

"Ok, everyone calm down. This has been very exciting. Congratulations, Yamaguchi, Tsukishima. Now! Back to business. Daichi will now pass out these, (babe, if you will), Daichi will hand out these forms for the parents to sign. If you do not wish for your child to live with the rest of us, you will surely hear from me, their second mother. If the child does not want to come live with us, it is their decision, but they will later on get an ass slapping.

Thank you. When you are finished, give the forms back to Daichi. I have some business to attend to."

Suga bowed.

At this, everyone burst into applause for suga's exceptional performance. Yamaguchi's parents came running over to us and hugged the shit out of Yamaguchi.

"Oh my god, we're so proud of you Tadashi! With your social skills, we would have never expected that from you."

"Uh. thanks."

"Just kidding just kidding."


We turned around and suddenly suga was embracing Yamaguchi.

"Oh my god, Tadashi."

Suga let go of Yamaguchi, then unexpectedly pulled back yams' shirt again to look at his mark.

"Hey-" I said defensively stretching out my arm to move suga's hand away.

"Relax, just making sure it's real. I have learned to expect anything from my children. 

ok idc what you think I thought this chapter was really cute so don't be mean pls

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