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"Why don't you stay the night?" Dave asked me as everyone had finally left the party. Including Jennifer. I didn't know when she'd be back, but I knew she'd be back sometime to get her things.

"What about Charlie?" I asked him. What if Charlie was confused by what was happening? I couldn't hide anything from that kid he had like a sixth sense. He'd know we were up to something.

"Well, I guess you're right. But, why should you have to go back to your place. Jennifer's gone." Dave asked me with his arms around my waist sweetly.

"Because it's kind of disrespectful to Jennifer and Charlie is gonna know something is up. He's not a baby anymore." I explained to Dave hearing the music still playing downstairs.

"I know! But what if I had a father, son, talk with him and boom he'd understand everything and you guys wouldn't have to leave me tonight." Dave came up with a solution. I couldn't say no to his cute smile. I never could.

"Fine. It's already 9:00. You better get him soon." I laughed. Dave nodded and in an instant he was already walking downstairs in effort to wrap the whole party up. And get Charlie. I had nothing better to do than join him.

I noticed Krist and Shelli were still here, helping clean up."Danielle. Me and Shelli are gonna leave now. But I'm happy I got to see you again. And save your ass again." He said with that cocky smile of his.

"Oh thanks, Krist." I rolled my eyes before pulling him into a hug, "we need to catch up again. I can't wait another 2 years." I joked with him. We exchanged numbers and I was glad I wasn't gonna let Krist go again. He was one of my best friends.

"I'm gonna go get Charlie then I promise we'll have the whole rest of the night to talk and cuddle and all that shit." Dave grabbed his keys and instantly jumped into his car to go pick up Charlie. I could tell he was really excited to get Charlie back here. And now I was all alone in Dave's big house.

switching pov's - dave

"Thanks, mom. I'll see you later." I said as I finally picked up Charlie. I was in such a hurry, anticipation wasn't an Angel let me tell you. It was painful.

"Yes. Tell Jennifer I said hi." She smiled back making my smile drop. Oh fuck, how was I supposed to tell everyone this? Why did I tell her so quickly? God this was gonna be harder than I thought.

"Yeah I will." I lied before beginning to drive back home. Now I just had to get through to Charlie who basically knew everything about me so I probably wouldn't have to explain much.

"So, did you have fun?" I asked with my voice shifting with nervousness.

"I guess. What's the matter?" How did this kid know everything? Literally everything.

"Nothing, nothing. But I just want to have a talk with you. It's nothing bad or—"

"Dad... I know how I got in moms tummy you don't have to tell me again." I couldn't help but laugh a little bit. No kid could ever come close to Charlie. I swear.

"No! Charlie that's, um, not what I was gonna talk about. God, you're one hell of a kid." I laughed at him as I turned the car down the road.

"Okay then what?" He asked me.

"S-so I don't mean to put this on you. But me and Jennifer— well, me and Jennifer are splitting up. I don't want you to worry about anything though!" I said to him biting the billet and just saying it.

"Daddy don't take this wrong but I kind of saw it coming." Charlie said to me. Of course he did...

"Mom is at home Charlie. Now we both decided that we were gonna try and maybe..."

"You and mom are back together?!" Charlie cut me off with excitement beyond anything I've ever heard in his voice. It made me think, maybe this was a good idea for Charlie.

"Uh, yeah... and no. Sort of. This was just a thing between us and I probably should've handled it differently but, um, yeah. We're gonna try and get back together." I explained to him.

"Yay! Dad you have no idea! Mom definitely wanted to be with you the whole time, I could tell. She was al 'does Jennifer talk about me?' 'Does Dad and Jennifer get along?' And all that stuff!" Charlie mocked her making me laugh. Oh Danielle, how I love you.

"For real?" I asked feeling like a teenager.

"Yes for real! So she's staying with us?" Charlie asked with hope in his voice.

"Yeah she is. For now..." I trailed off feeling happy myself. I was really finally back together with the girl that I knew I loved even when we broke up I knew that I still loved her. I just convinced myself I wasn't. Even when I met Jen I knew I still loved her, and when I married her a part of me knew I didn't love Jennifer as much as Dani. I always knew. Always.

YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL. dave grohl (2)Where stories live. Discover now