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Tonight at midnight it would finally be 1999. Now I've known Dave for a solid 10 years. That's crazy to me. It seems like yesterday he had crazy long hair and wore long underwear under basketball shorts. Now he was a dad, with short hair, more tattoos, he just looked so different. But I still couldn't get over how much I still loved him.

"Can I please stay up until 12? It's New Years, dad! Just this once?" Charlie begged. Dave and I were having a tough time deciding if we should let Charlie stay up so late. We wanted to be cool parents but we didn't want to wreck his whole sleep schedule since he did have school in two days. But it was Friday night.

"Ask your mom, kid." Dave said putting it all on me like we didn't just discuss it in the kitchen. I gave Dave a cool stare and turned to my son who was practically on his knees begging me. He had put on this crushed face and fake tears even welled in his eyes. How can you say no to that?

"Alright," I said, "just tonight. But don't be complaining tomorrow that you can't sleep, okay? And you have to witness me and daddy kissing at midnight and I know how much that drives you crazy." He scrunched his nose at that and he almost thought about it again. But he instead excitedly hugged me and thanked me. Dave walked over and rested his forehead against mine for a second which confused me but I wasn't complaining.

"Yes?" I asked with a giggle.

"I need to talk to you," he said, "away from Charlie." He bit his lip. My knees gave in and I glanced at Charlie who was watching the television by now. I nodded and followed him into the bedroom hoping to slip under Charlie's watch. As the door closed I felt Dave slide his hand on the side of my face making me look at him. He then kissed me like he used to kiss me. It made me feel someway. He kissed me like 20 year old Dave would kiss me. I loved it.

"What's this for?" I laughed.

"What? I'm not allowed to love you?" He smirked before kissing me again. It felt so nice to be able to do this again. I felt a pressure on my chest, and suddenly I was slowly falling onto the bed. Dave's kisses trailed down to my neck and collarbones. I moaned softly trying to remember our child was in the other room. Dave didn't seem to care, he loved teasing me. Always did.

I jumped a little when I heard a knock on the door. Thank God Charlie knocked. Imagine if he had just walked in! He's at an age where he understands stuff now, and I couldn't lie to him or cover it up if he saw.

"Mom? Dad?" He asked. Dave didn't stop kissing and sucking on my neck. He was such an asshole sometimes. But a cute one at that. I tried not to moan, hiss or be suspicious in any way, but Dave was making that hard to do. He found it amusing, I'm sure.

"Yeah?" I asked back in a wobbling voice trying to push Dave off, who didn't oblige at all.

"Grandma is on the phone." He said and finally Dave stopped antagonizing me to open the door. Charlie stood there with the phone in his hand looking into the room to see me sitting on the bed. Thankfully, he didn't seem suspicious of me at all.

"Grandma Ginny or Grandma Sheena?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Dave. Was he stupid?

"Gee, I don't know. Probably the only Grandma who knows your home phone number." I giggled at Charlie, he was so fucking funny. He had his dad's humor that's for sure. Dave rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at Charlie jokingly. He ruffled Charlie's hair and took the phone.

"Go watch TV, kid." He said. Charlie did just that and Dave shut and locked the door again. He put the phone up to his ear. This was my time to fucking shine, my time to give Dave a taste of his own medicine. He thinks fucking with me is funny? Dave laid down on the bed, slightly propped up on the headboard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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