"We'll get a pet"

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It's saturday night and Louis is shaking his bum off.
Their team had played really great but the game was almost over and it's still 3-3 so Louis was cheering and yelling with his squat , hoping to give the guys that little push they need to make the last goal.

In the end it's another boy, Jay, who makes the goal.

Knowing everybody is full of adrenaline right now Louis decides to make the pyramid they've been practicing for week.

"Okay, everybody.pyramid!" Louis yells and clapps his hands together while the cheerleaders react immediately and get into formation.

Everything goes fine and Louis trusts these people with his life so when he gets on top of the 3 part pyramid he smiles and counts down for them to yell the cheer he made up.

Everybody is watching and listening when suddenly a girl on the bottom puts her foot wrong, making the person next to her carry more weight than she can handle.

A scream is the only warning he get before they collapse, he hears people gasping and closes his eyes, ready to face the pain.

He falls forward on his arm and hits his head hard on the grass, for a moment he thinks he's fine but then he tries to move and the pain is so intense that he blacks out.


The moment Louis opened his eyes he knows he's in the hospital. The smell and white walls giving it away.

He groaned and tried to sit up but got held down by a gentle hand, he wasn't in a hospital gown he realised at the same time he saw Harry's pained face.

"Are you okay? No pain? Dizzy? Headache?" Harry asked, feeling everywhere he could reach.

"Haz, babe. I'm okay, just" Louis sat up and mentioned Harry to back off a bit with his hands.

Knowing Louis was somewhat okay Harry's worry was replaced with anger.

"How could you be so stupid!" His voice boomed through the room "You could have broken something! You could have died! Louis, you could have died" His voice broke in the end, not being able to bare the thought of not having his Louis anymore.

"I'm sorry" Louis sniffed and rubbed his eyes, only then he noticed the cast around his pols. He is just about to ask Harry if he really fell that hard when he remembers something.

"Wait" Louis stiffened and sat up straight "Are the others okay? Oh my god tell me their okay, please"

"Hey, hey, honey their fine, everything's okay just calm down." The Alpha leans over to stroke Louis' hair and sniff his unharmed scents. "The doctor said that you hit your head hard on the field and you might have a concussion so you have to stay the night, your wrist broke when you fell on it"

Louis snorted "that must have been a sight" Growling lightly Harry made an unpleased sound.

"Everybody watched as you fell down like a sack of potatoes, it wasnt funny"

"babe, i'm alright now, i swear" The Omega tried to calm Harry down with a whisper of "i'm fine, Alpha" and just like that Harry calmed down.

They stayed like that for a while, Harry breathing in Louis' scents and Louis beaming under the attention.

After the doctor came in and explained what was going Harry told him he needed to go home and get some stuff for the both of them seeing as they were still in their uniforms.

"I'Il be quick okay? Do you want me to get some food?"

"Uhm, some taco's. Mabye? And oh, strawberry cookies please?" Louis' headache was slowly going away and he was kinda hungry.

And Up Until Now I Had Sworn To Myself That I'm Content With Loneliness.Where stories live. Discover now