"Uhm, Hello?"

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When Louis got back to school on Tuesday after convincing Harry that he was fine and didn't need to stay in bed he got numerous people coming to him with concerned looks and asking how he's doing.

He got a lot of names written on his blue cast now but he really just wants to find Niall and ask him if he can make it look cooler. At lunch he was talking with Harry about their house and if they could move when he saw Niall walking towards their table, he looked happy and smiled at Louis when he sat down.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he got his lunch out of his bag.
"Yeah, you didn't visit me at the hospital though" Louis pouted at Niall, Harry looked a little sheepish and the Beta snorted.
"Well your Alpha made sure nobody got to visit you so you need to pout at him"
"Why would you do that?" Louis asked Harry, unconsciously picking at his cast.

"I did it because i wanted to make sure you're okay myself before other people would." Harry looked pleased with himself as if that was a good reason. Louis pecked him on the mouth.
"Now you owe me strawberries" The Omega decided while Niall munched happily on his sandwich.

"Sure babe, i'll get them tomorrow when i'm grocery shopping" Harry kissed him deeper this time, smiling into it because his baby was safe and okay.
Harry made sure to keep Louis happy since the accident, the fear of losing him still too fresh.


They haven't talked about the pet situation and if Louis' honest he's kind of afraid Harry changed his mind or only agreed with Louis because they were in the hospital.

He knows Harry really wants to have kids and he's okay with that but he's also scared that he might not have the mommy instinct everyone is talking about.

He was trapped in his mind until Harry hugged him from behind and pecked the back of his neck where he was making tea in the kitchen.

"Baby, I'm going grocery shopping. I know you want strawberries but do you want something else too?" Louis sighed and let his body fall back against his Alpha.
"No, I'm fine but please hurry I wanna talk about something when you get home, okay?"
Harry kissed the bite mark on Louis' neck and murmured "Okay."


Harry wasn't gone for 5 minutes or there was a knock on the door, Louis made his way to the door with his favourite teacup.

He expected to see their neighbor Chris, who kept borrowing cups of sugar because of his new found love for baking cakes.

When he opened the door however he was met with a stranger.

"Uhm, Hello?" Louis said, unsure if this person was simply lost or not.

"Hey, babe" The stranger smiled at him and before Louis could close the door a little further the stranger charged at him, Louis could feel his heart rate picking up as the cup slipped from his fingers.

He tried to scream but the stranger was too big and too fast, clamping his hand over Louis' mouth and wrapping his arm around Louis' torso holding his arms. Louis started thrashing, trying to get out of his attackers grasp but when he got a whiff of the guys smell he knew it was useless, he couldn't fight an Alpha.

"Shh, baby" The man's breath was warm and made Louis cringe.
He was dragged inside the apartment and let go of.

They were at the dining table when the man spoke.
"sit down." the alpha's command made Louis incapable of not listening.

Shaken and scared Louis sat down, his body and mind fighting against each other.

"I don't wanna hear a sound while I close the door." the Alpha made his way down the hallway.

He could hear his phone go off, he was sure Harry felt his panic and tried to reach him but he couldn't answer.

Louis closed his eyes and wished that Harry would come home and help him, he wished that he wouldn't die and he wished that if he was to die, Harry wouldn't be the one to find his lifeless body.

silent tears slipped down his face, when the Alpha returned he had a bag with him.

He taped Louis to the chair, Louis whimpered weakly when the tape cut his wrist and constricted his cast.

"Hey, hey baby, it's gonna be okay" The man suddenly smiled and pulled up a chair in front of Louis.

Louis didn't look in his eyes and flinches when he feels the strangers hand on his face.
"You're so pretty baby." The man hums quietly, just admiring his face.

"Will you look at me baby?" Not waiting for an answer the Alpha grabs Louis' jaw and forcefully turns his head. "I like to see those pretty eyes of yours, love" Louis has never been so afraid in his life. "You are just so fucking cute" The man spits and Louis flinches again but this time the stranger tuts is lips and shakes his head at him.

"Talk to me baby" He says, his tone sweet and innocent.
"W-what do you want from me, please let me go" Louis is shaken but not set on dying without a fight.

The man laughs and touches Louis' bottom lip with his thumb almost lovingly.

"My name is Drew and i'm your Alpha" Another smile, Louis is starting to feel sick.

"Don't be so scared love, we'll have lots of fun and if you're good you'll maybe even get a reward baby, but-" Drew sighed with a frown. "-unfortunately you've been bad and I'll have to punish you but it's your own fault baby." Drew pouted like he was sad and grabbed his bag.

Louis was nauseous with fear and trembled like a leaf when Drew grabbed his jaw forcefully again and made him face him, he closed his eyes and sobbed loudly when he suddenly felt a pair of lips on his. It was just a peck but Louis almost threw up right there.

Drew smiled smugly and orders him to open his eyes.
"Well where is the bedroom baby?"


Harry made his way down the aisle at tesco's when he suddenly felt panic flare up in his chest, he dropped his basket and got his phone out of his pocket. He called Louis' phone several times but nobody picked up.

He sprinted out of the store and towards his car, putting on his seatbelt the panic grew stronger. It had him gasping for air and praying that Louis wasn't hurt or worse.

And Up Until Now I Had Sworn To Myself That I'm Content With Loneliness.Where stories live. Discover now