"I'm going to take care of you"

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Eight months later





Niall huffed and crossed his arms, they were at the new house Louis and Harry bought together after graduating high school, the old apartment just didn't feel safe anymore.

"Harry doesn't have to know" Niall tired again.

"No, now go get me some water I'm feeling hot"

Niall stood up from the loveseat and pointed his finger at Louis "Someday I will feel it"

"And when that day comes you better run because I don't think Harry would like it" Louis smirked while he finished Niall's sentence, making Niall curse and stomp to the kitchen.

Louis loves their new home so much, he loves the backyard and the three guestrooms and the wide shower cabinet, he just loves it all.

A lot changed since the accident and sometimes Louis still wakes up crying and screaming but Harry is always there for him saying exactly what he needs to hear and touching him gently.

He also goes to therapy just once a month now, before it was twice a week but with all the help and love Louis got these last eight months he was able to make progress and slowly let himself heal. He doesn't like being alone now and as much as he wants Harry to stay home with him he knows Harry has to work.

So instead Niall comes by and keeps him company sometimes they get groceries or go to workshops about cooking. That's one of Louis' new hobby's, making dinner and volunteering at the soup kitchen with Niall. Sometimes Zayn and Liam come visit but Liam has a job and Zayn has collage so they couldn't visit often, Niall had a stay at home job so Louis is grateful Niall puts up with his shit and comes around almost every day.

He didn't know how it happened but his skin was burning up while seconds ago he was just fine watching a film with the Beta.

"Hey Niall?" Louis yelled in the direction of the kitchen, already itching to take his hoodie off.

"Yeah?" the Beta shouted back before coming out of the kitchen with two glasses of cold water.

Louis sat up strait "I think I have a fever" the Omega felt his forehead and groaned, definitely a fever.

"mate you were fine tree minutes ago" Niall rolled his eyes at his best friend and continued watching the film.

"I swear Niall, I'm fucking burning u-" Louis stopped abruptly and squealed when he felt the wetness between his cheeks, he was in a goddamn heat for fuck sake. He panicked because he hadn't had a heat in a year because of the fact that Louis was supposed to go into heat two months after the accident but his doctor said that his body wasn't ready after that and he figured it was okay because he had six months to prepare.

Now six months later he didn't know what to do, he and Harry had sex five months after the accident because Louis felt ready to have that connection with Harry again, Harry himself was on suppressants for his rut because he didn't want to spent one without Louis but he knew and understood that Louis wasn't ready for it.

"Niall call Harry" Louis struggled to keep his voice normal.

"Lou are you okay?" Niall asked, already taking his phone out of his pocket and dialling Harry's number.

"No, I'm going into heat and I need Harry" Louis couldn't help but whine when he said Harry's name, he needs his Alpha right now.

"Shit mate hold on" the Beta made quick work of calling Harry.


"Oh no"

"I'll be right there Niall don't go until I get there got it?"

The beta hangs up and watches his friend grow desperate with the second and quickly hands Louis the glass of water. Louis downs it in one go and Niall hands him his own glass that is empty within seconds.

"Fuck Louis what do you need" the Beta asks when Louis starts to breath quicker and his hands creep down to his nipples making him whine because he needs Harry and he wants Harry and where the fuck is Harry?

The door open and closes in a rush down the hall and Harry appears, looking slightly animalistic and his eyes are black when Louis makes eye contact with him.

"Thank you Niall, you can go now" Harry doesn't pay him any mind but doesn't come closer to Louis until he hears the door close, Louis' been whinging ever since Harry walked into the house and he can feel the slick soaking his sweats because of the scents his mate is giving off and Louis realises that his heat must have sent Harry into his rut.

"You really are in heat" Harry looks at him in awe and Louis can't take it anymore he needs to get out of his clothes right now.

"I'm going to take care of you" Harry stated as Louis palmed himself and played with his nipples, whining for the Alpha to do something but Harry needs to make sure that Louis knows that Harry is going to take care of him.

Harry would sometimes come to the therapy sessions and confess that he felt like a lousy Alpha for not knowing what was going on, Louis would always tell him that he doesn't blame Harry but that didn't erase the fact that the Omega still doesn't feel save sometimes.

Their family's helped a lot and were as supportive as they could get and after high school Louis decided that he would take some online classes if he wants but he would rather be a mom.

They got a pet too, peach, a cat with thick white hair and Louis absolutely loves her because she loves strawberries almost as much as Louis does.

"Please Alpha" Louis whimpers and Harry reacts immediately, he scoops Louis of the couch and takes him upstairs with the Omega trying to get him out of his clothes. He drops Louis on the bed and falls on top of him, he asks if Louis' okay but all he gets is a desperate whine that makes his cock throb.

"Want my knot?" Harry growls while ripping off Louis' sweats, he smells so good and Harry can't help but scoop some slick up with his finger to taste, he moans and places himself between Louis' legs to kiss his Omega.

"Love you" Louis whispers into the kiss and his eyes are already a bit unfocused and the second they stop kissing Louis' body goes plaint, he's trusting Harry to take care of him.

"I love you-" The Alpha kisses down to Louis' scare to suck a love bite over it "so much baby" Harry can't take it anymore he is trying so hard to not pound Louis silly right now but he reminds himself that this is Louis' first heat in twelve months, He still ripped his clothes off though.

They don't talk, just moan and whimper each other's name and maybe cry a little but when Harry's cock is finally inside Louis he feels so amazing, so at peace with himself that comes almost immediately.

It makes Harry trust harder and faster because he knows Louis needs that right now and he's all too willing to give Louis everything he wants.

It's over all too soon for Harry and even after making the Omega come three times the little lad still comes dry with a shout of Harry's name when the Alpha's knot pops.

Harry comes for minutes, making Louis feel full and nice while the Alpha whispers praise in his ear and kisses the mating bite over and over.

"I really love you Harry"

"I really love you too Louis"

They laugh and kiss again.


"Do you think I'm pregnant?" Louis looks at the stick in his hand before facing Harry again.

"I really hope you are" Harry nods his head and takes Louis' little hand in his.

"Me too" They smile at each other and everything feels like it supposed to be.

And Up Until Now I Had Sworn To Myself That I'm Content With Loneliness.Where stories live. Discover now