"Why him?"

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"Show me the way."

Harry's mom sighed in defeat and nodded while making her way towards the door.

"He isn't awake yet, you need to be patient with him okay?"

Harry groaned as he stood up, his legs felt a little like jelly.

"yes mom I know how to handle my Omega"

"I didn't question that Harry" His mother shook her head at him and they made their way through the hall of the hospital.

" His room is right over there, I'll get you some food Harry you must be starving." His mom pointed to a blue door just as they rounded the corner.

"Thank you" Harry rushed to the door only to stop right in front of it and taking a second to calm his breathing down.

The door creaked as Harry pushed it open, he saw Louis laying on the hospital bed looking so small and fragile.

A sniffle made Harry walk further inside the room, he saw Jay, Louis' mom, sitting in a chair besides Louis and wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

"Jay" He whispered the name of his mother in law as his eyes started to water too.

"Harry" She gasped and stood up, rushing towards the Alpha and hugging him while quietly sobbing.

"Ssh, he's going to be okay Jay, trust me he has to be" Harry comforted her but he was mainly trying to convince himself.

"Why him?" Jay kept murmuring against his chest and Harry didn't know how to answer her, the Alpha who did this was dead and they might never know why he did this to them.

After a couple of minutes just standing there Harry lead Jay back to the chair and stood beside her with a hand on her shoulder just looking at his Omega.

His love was on his front and his back was covered by the blanket draped over him.

"What did the doctor say Jay?" He suddenly asked, startling the poor women.

"They said th-that he has 22 stitches in his back and that he can't-can't lay on his back for a couple of days and-and they didn't find any evidence of rape but his bum was bruised black and blue Harry" She stopped and sobbed in her hands. Harry tried to comfort her but he was so tense that he wasn't much of a help.

It's going to be okay Harry thought, Louis is going to be okay and everything was going back to normal.

They sat and after a couple of minutes Harry's mom was back with a brown back probably filled with food.

"Hey, I got something to eat for us all but Harry there are policemen outside and they want to talk to you." His mother looked worried and exhausted like every person in the room.

Standing up Harry sighed and thanked his mom before exiting the room with a last glance at his Louis.

His mom was right, there were two heavy dressed policeman standing just outside the door and for a second Harry thought he was going to jail but in that same second he realised that if that was what he had to do to make sure Louis is safe then so be it.


It turned out to be about the attacker, they searched his house and found photos and data from months ago all the way up to a couple of days ago.

It made Harry's skin crawled to think about the hours this Alpha spent on watching Louis and writing down everything he learned.

He felt like a failure, too busy with school and soccer to notice that his own Omega was being stalked. He wanted to punch a wall or scream until his voice gave out but he just tiredly thanked the officers and made his way back to the hospital room.

He walked in on his mum and jay softly having a conversation about the way this event was going to effect Louis and Harry's life.

Jay noticed him first and cut the conversation short by asking Harry if everything was alright, Harry told her about the things the dead Alpha did and how he stalked Louis for months.

Jay listened with big eyes and Anne tried to calm her down by telling her that the sick bastard was dead now and that he could never hurt Louis ever again.

It calmed Jay down but Harry just couldn't get over the fact that it had been going on all under his nose and he couldn't see it , he can't protect Louis and he doesn't blame his Omega if after this he would never trust Harry to take care of him again.

Standing there in the door opening of Louis, his Omega's, hospital room he thought about how he and Louis still needed to talk about a pet and how he wanted to have children with Louis because the world just needs more of people like Louis.

For Harry having children wasn't an Alpha thing it was a Louis thing, he cannot live In a world where there is no hope for a Louis person in the future, everyone would be lucky to share their soul with a person like Louis and Harry didn't think he deserved it.

While Harry daydreamed about having a family with Louis their moms were quietly talking again so nobody noticed at first when the small body started moving on the bed. Until of course the little lad wanted to move with a groan, Harry snapped out of it so fast he almost tripped getting to Louis' side.

"Louis" Harry gasped at the same time Louis whimpered form the pain in his back.

"Louis stay still" Harry ordered his Omega for his own good, making Louis whimper again in frustration.

Harry gave Anne and Jay a panicked glance while they were just staring at Louis' whimpering form.

"Call a nurse" Jay came to her senses and Harry pushed the button that he thought was for calling a nurse and apparently he was right because two seconds later a male nurse appeared and checked Louis' chard and asked what was wrong.

"He's in pain" Harry almost growled and the beta quickly made his way towards Louis and gave him some more medicine to calm him down.

Louis could just lay there and whimper in pain from his backside, he felt so helpless and weak.

Harry sensed Louis' distress and growled Loudly "Get out" he ordered everyone in the room and In seconds he was alone with Louis who started to settle down because of the medicine.

"Ssh, love calm down it's okay everything is okay" Harry tried to comfort the Omega but Louis only whined and Harry really wanted to crawl on the bed and wrap his omega in his arm until the earth vanished.

After what felt like forever Louis fell asleep again with Harry softly petting his hair and telling him about everything they would be doing when Louis gets out of here and how lucky harry feels to share his life with the Omega.

And Up Until Now I Had Sworn To Myself That I'm Content With Loneliness.Where stories live. Discover now