"What the fuck?"

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They won that night three to one, Louis' cheer squad managed to pep everyone up all the time. All in all it was pretty fun for Louis, he got to see his Alpha sweat on the field and he felt a little loopy from all the adrenalin.

After the game they all wanted to go out and have some fun but Louis and Harry decided that they would stay home and just cuddle. They fell asleep on the couch, Louis on top of Harry as he buried his face in the Alpha's naked chest.

Harry woke up in the middle of the night and moved them to the bed. He stayed awake for a couple of minutes just to watch Louis sleep, he only got kicked in the chin once, he felt his eyes get heavier and after a while he didn't fight it anymore and turned their bodies so he could spoon Louis. He fell asleep with a smile on his face and a pretty Omega in his arms.


Louis woke up lazily.

He opened one eye and groaned, it was Sunday. He closed his eye again and blindly searched for his Alpha with his arm flapping around.

When he didn't find him he got op moody and made his way down the hall towards the kitchen.

He didn't see Harry in the living room or kitchen so he figured that Harry was getting some groceries or whatever.

He rubbed his eyes and shivered. He's only wearing a light blue tank top and boxers from Harry, he didn't remember changing yesterday so Harry must have put it on him.

Quickly patting back to their bedroom, Louis changed into some sweats and a red T-shirt of himself. He wears Harry's stuff way too much, if someone would smell him right now they would tell him that he reeked of Alpha. It's not that he really minds but he does have a smell of his own that he's quite proud of.

Harry always wants Louis to smell like him, he wants other Alpha's to know that Louis is absolutely taken for life.

Louis decides that he'll take a shower and eat when Harry's back and starts on putting the laundry away. Sunday is his chore day, luckily he cleaned a bit on Wednesday.


Harry didn't come back until noon and by that time Louis gave up and showered already, he came home with 3 grocery bags full of food and greeted Louis with a kiss on his cheek.

"I got some strawberries baby, figured that you wanted some fresh ones"

Louis beamed, he loves strawberries almost as much as he loves Harry.

"Thank you"

When Harry was done putting everything away he joined Louis on the couch, putting his arms around his little Omega and holding him close.

They watched tv in silence after Harry quietly thanks Louis for cleaning the house, Louis just kissed him on the mouth really quick.


Monday morning came way too soon after a nice lazy Sunday.

Harry groaned as he leaned back against the overly blue lockers.

"Way do you hate Mondays so much?" Louis laughed, pulling his books in his arms.

"I just don't like school, is all" Harry shrugged.

"Hey" An unfamiliar voice said.

They both turned their heads at whoever was talking and it turned out to be the new guy Louis saw earlier with Niall.

Clearing his throat Louis said a small "Hello" and stared at him questionably.

"I'm Drew and I just wanted to say that you look beautiful today" The guy (Drew apparently) smiled at Louis, completely ignoring Harry's glare.

Louis couldn't help it, he blushed hard at the complement, Harry however didn't find it very flattering, he told Louis he looked great already this morning and who does this guy thinks he is. Nobody tells Harry's Omega he looks beautiful but himself.

If Drew saw the way Harry stood up straighter and took a defensive stand, he ignored it.

The rumble in Harry's chest was back and ready to kill this threat.

"Well okay then Louis, have a nice day" Louis watched Drew disappear in the crowed.

"What the fuck?" he questioned out loud, glancing at his Alpha he saw the way Harry's jaw was locked and his shoulders tensed.

"Harry calm down" He begged the raging Alpha, he knew what Harry could do to someone when he was mad. It always scared Louis a little when Harry got like that.

Harry's eyes flashed green and Louis bared his neck in submission at the dominant smell Harry was giving.

"Shit" The Omega whimpered, closing his eyes.

And Up Until Now I Had Sworn To Myself That I'm Content With Loneliness.Where stories live. Discover now