Worst fucking thing

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A/N: BRO MY STORY HAS 69.K VIEWS. This is just...my life is complete. Also, I showed Max your comments about him and I'd like to thank all of you for making him smile because the world needs more smiles like Max's.

George's POV:

Dream pushed me up against the wall of his bedroom and pressed his lips against mine, kissing me quickly and passionately, clearly wanting something from me. I felt my face get hot, so I grabbed his hips and pressed them against mine, then leaned my head against the wall while he kissed down my neck. "Shit, Dream," I mumbled and kept moving my hips against his. It felt so good and I'd been horny and unsatisfied for so long now, it was good I was finally going to be able to do something about it. Just the thought of that got me excited, so I pressed my lips against Dream's again and opened my mouth so he could put his tongue in. Kissing is so weird to me, it's absolutely disgusting, his tongue literally going inside my mouth, I mean on paper who the fuck would want that? But then you actually get to do it and it's so hot and gross and amazing and I can't even explain it. 

"Dinners ready!" Dreams mom called while knocking on Dream's bedroom door, which was thankfully locked. He stopped kissing me immediately and wiped his mouth before calling out to her. "O-Okay! George is napping so I'll wake him!" He lied and stared back at me before covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing. I smirked and grabbed his ass, then pushed him off me and walked over to the mirror in his room to clean myself up a bit. "Asshole," he muttered and checked himself in the mirror as well before turning around to leave. I laughed a little then turned to follow him.

~Time skip~

Dream pushed me down on the couch and towered over me, reaching down for the zipper on my pants while locking our lips tightly. I was so turned on at this point so I was glad he wanted the same thing I did. I pushed my hips up against his hand to relieve some tension, then leaned my head back and let him undress me.

He laughed a little and before he was able to pull my pants down, the front door started unlocking from the outside. I pushed Dream off of me immediately and grabbed my phone then scooted over to the opposite side of the couch and put a blanket over my lap, then acted like I was busy on my phone. Dream started chuckling from the other side of the couch so I glared at him before the rest of his family walked in with bags of groceries. "Hi boys!" His mom said happily and waved, "hello!" I replied in an awkward voice and hoped to god they would leave soon so I could fix myself up a bit.

"School," Dream mumbled in my ear before leaving to help his parents put the groceries away, so I turned red and nodded then hurried into the bathroom.

The next day at school, the tension was...well, tense. I kept passing Dream in the halls, which doesn't usually happen. I don't know if he did this on purpose, but it shocked me every time I saw his tall ass waddle past me with his shaggy green and blonde hair bouncing with each step he took. "Hey, Georgie," He whispered once in between classes, it's like his tall and muscular gorgeous self was waiting for me like a conniving bitch ready to pounce on its prey. "Hey, Clay," I said back just to fuck with him. "Meet in the parking lot after school, kay?" I blushed because he knew I had 15 minutes of free time between the end of class and football practice. Dream seems to jump at any opportunity to hang out with me, he blocks up my schedule like crazy.

"Fine," I said back and walked away quickly, not even looking back because I knew if I did he'd be staring at me with these gorgeous piercing eyes and I wouldn't be able to focus in the slightest during my next class.

Fuck Dream honestly. (I wish)

The sad thing is, we haven't been able to do anything apart from kissing since I moved in with him. We can't ever go to my house which was always empty, and now his parents check up on us 24/7 because they want to make sure my living situation is good enough. It's appreciated, so much and I'm so grateful. But can't a guy get some dick in this harsh world?

Plus, It's Dream for christ's sake, if you were dating him you'd understand. He's. So. Hot.

~Time skip~

"Hi Georgie," Dream said with a smirk while I trudged out towards his car. It was parked in the back parking lot where like three other people ever park in, so it makes sense why he parked it here, especially today. "Hi, Dream," I muttered back and went in for a hug, grabbing his waist gently and smashing my face into his chest. "You alright?" I groaned and looked up at him, "yeah but class was evil and..." I hesitated then decided to show him what happened during class instead. So, naturally, I pushed my waist up against him, letting him feel what happened to me just off of a stupid daydream during an important lecture I would have paid attention to if it weren't for Dream. "Oh," he said with a smug voice then grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me close to him so we could kiss. "Wait-" I started, because if someone saw us making out in the back of our school's parking lot, I think I'd literally cry before dying from embarrassment. 

"What?" Dream asked and paused quickly. "Can't we go home? Will anyone be there?" Dream shook his head. "Drista should be at book club until 5:00 today, dad will be at work then he's looking for apartments afterward so he'll be home late, and moms at yoga," I nodded. "So we have like two hours?" He smirked, lifted me up, and walked around the car to put me down in the passenger seat. I giggled a little then looked over while Dream ran around the car again. 

We hurried home, and once we got inside, I threw my backpack on the couch then immediately jumped in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist while he pulled me in to kiss him. "Woah," he mumbled but brought his lips to mine and bit my lip a bit. I don't think he noticed that he bit me, but either way, I wasn't complaining. "Couch?" I asked between kissing, which he nodded at then walked over to the couch and placed me down on one of the cushions. It was uncomfortable so I pulled it out from under me and tossed it off to the side of the couch. He smirked and pressed his knee in between my legs then sped up the kiss. 

That's when the worst fucking thing ever happened. 

A/N: Hah. Well, I think there will be at most two more chapters, I could be wrong but that's what I'm aiming for here. 

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