chapter 14

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hi! plot ideas anyone??? this is honestly just a filler tbh. just needed some drama to spice this up

also: please leave any questions for me in the comments. happy to answer them!

Just in case I've managed to trigger anyone, I feel really bad. I haven't gotten any hate yet (which I'm thankful for!) but please tell me if you think something needs a TW

So I'll start putting TW's in chapters that need them. (Quick reminder: No mature content in this story. Please don't ask for any, I don't feel comfortable writing it.)

(this raid arc might last for several chapters! that's what i'm aiming for hehe)

Tam didn't respond to murmurs around him.

Flower petals decorated the ground around him.

The moon outlined each one.

Hushed whispers were exchanged as he stood there, unable to speak, move - and his thoughts were jumbled.

Blood stained the grass around his feet, getting washed away by tears. 

His tears. 

Falling from his eyes, adorning his face, and washing away the blood stains near his ground, were salty tears that once belonged to him.

Damn it. Why couldn't.. Why couldn't I have just been there? His mind screamed at him. Be fast enough. Be quick enough. Be able to do it. 

Is everything I've done.. all for nothing? If I can't protect just one girl? The girl that saved me from myself? 

"Tam? Just promise me you'll be safe, okay?"


The night of the raid, wasn't a good night. It was frigid outside.

Tam wished he'd gone with the heavier cape. But he'd feared it would hinder his agility.

Next to him was Sophie, Biana, and Dex - an interesting pairing indeed, but those four had been training to work together for quite some time now. This night was the chance for them to use their skills.

"I'm so nervous!" Biana whined, clutching onto her strawberry blond boyfriend's arm, turning the poor boy's face pale from how hard she was holding. 

Tam looked down. "Aren't we all?" He asked. "I could care less if we fail or succeed. I just hope nobody's hurt." 

He looked away as he said that. Tam wasn't really one to express his feelings, so this was a new feeling for him. A sense that he had something to protect.

"Tam cares about us!" Dex said. "What an accomplishment! I can now pass away in peace."

His joke worked to ease most of the tension, and the small group found themselves chuckling as Tam's cheeks lightly flushed.

"Trusting and caring are two different things. Shut up." 

"If you say s-"

"Time for you guys to go inside." A voice broke the conversation. As quick as it had left, the tension rose back up - almost drowning them in the thickness it held, like water - draining them as they walked, slowing their movements.

Almost as if they had to come up to breathe. 

Or they'd drown.


"Is it just me, or is it way too quiet?" Sophie whispered, pulling her hood around her face - obviously resisting the urge to tug out an eyelash.

"I can't help but agree," The patch of air to Tam's left mumbled. Biana blinked into sight for just a second as they reached a corner with no cameras, taking a little bit to charge up her energy again.

"I would've thought we'd run into one guard at least by now," Dex agreed. "Maybe we got the caculations wrong. Hopefully this is easier than we expected."

Although the words would comfort them, it was definitely not going to be easier. The aura in the room was so thick, so menacing, and so dangerous it was as if you could cut it with a blade.

Tam shook his head. "As much as I wish I could agree with you, something's definitely off."

Sophie looked away, and he knew she agreed with him.

"I think.. we should continue. All we have to do is meet up with Keefe's group, then... we'll be good to go, right?" She asked. "Just find any clues that we can. That's why we got paired up. We have some of the best abilities to do so."

Dex nodded, taking something out of his satchel - a pair of high-tech looking goggles. He put them on, then nodded. "Okay. Let's get going."

"Wait." Biana said. She reached into her satchel and pulled out a bottle of Youth. "Drink some to get your energy up," The brunette said, tossing a bottle to Sophie. 

Sophie drank her bottle, as Biana passed one to Tam, and one to Dex, then drank one herself. 

Tam wiped the residue off of his lips with his dark sleeve. "We should hurry up. We have a time set to meet up."

"Right." Sophie said. Reaching into her matching satchel, she pulled out a golden pocket watch. "We have about an hour. Let's make the most of it." 

Getting started on the task, the four of them scattered into different parts of the hallway, rarely breaking the silence - and when they did, it was just asking small questions or passing the pocket watch around.

Everything was going fine until the pocket watch started floating.

A quick glance told them all it wasn't any of them using telekinesis.

The task at hand now wasn't to find a clue to where the item they needed was.

It was to find who was making the pocket watch float.

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