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Harrys POV

Ginny broke up with me two weeks ago. She didn't like being public. We were together for the past 8 months and she still didn't want to go public. Her only reason was because she still had feelings for Dean. Yes dean. Her ex boyfriend who has already moved on unlike her. She told me all about it when we broke up and how we weren't going to work out.

The thing was I really liked ginny. Her hair, her eyes, her choice of clothing, and lastly her personality. She was really brave and stood up for almost everyone. But it's time to move on.

I walked into the greathall this morning and sat down next to Hermione and Ron who were chatting on about exams. " Hermione I'll be fine you don't need to study to get a good grade. Right Harry?" I nodded and took a spoonful of eggs on my plate. " yes you do Ronald! It's like going on a broomstick and flying off without knowing anything about it!" The arguments they had were not really necessary. Just little things. " Harry did that!"


Malfoy s POV

I woke up this morning. Blaise was banging on the door. That git won't ever leave me alone. " MALFOY UP, GET UP! " I groaned and got up " shut up will you!" Sitting up slowly I grabbed my uniform and put it on slowly. " whatever um coming in!" I brushed my hair out ( if you're wondering no thank god Malfoy doesn't have long shoulder hair. This is his 7th year hair cut. MOVIE MALFOY MOVIE MALFOY)

Blaise came in with the door making a little creak. I grabbed my bag and rolled my eyes. Give me a second! I need to brush my teeth.

I walked into the greathall with blaise, Crabbe, and goyle. Did we look like a bunch of bowling pins yes. I was the front one of course. I sat down and grabbed a piece of toast along with some pumpkin juice. It certainly wasn't my favorite drink. I rather have apple juice or orange juice to be honest.

I looked over at Potter who was talking to his stupid little friends. His hair all messy, his jaw moving slowly as he chewed his food, his mouth opening for another spoon. Then my eyes moved higher up his face and found those green orbs looking back at me. Damn it.

I looked away and ate more of my food. Potter is just so..Potter. I mean he's a stupid git but at the same time he was well I don't know how to exactly explain.


I sat in class with Hermione next to me. Her and Ron fought so they are fighting over who gets to sit next to me. Of course Hermione won.

Ignoring that thought. Another popped into my head, Malfoy. He was looking at me for at least a minute straight. And when we me contact he looked away as fast as possible.

But as soon as I started thinking about it the professor started talking about some project. I'm partners with Hermione so I don't do really have to do any of the work.

That was until " Malfoy and Potter" I snapped my head up quickly "what" Hermione had a look of annoyance " we are going into our partners for the project Harry." She said. Project? What project? " what are you going on about?" I said calmly " I don't have time for this Harry" and with that she got up and left

3rd person POV

Harry sat in his stool completely confused. Malfoy walked over to him and placed his books on the desk. The blonde opened one of the books to the exact page number 678. ' dark magic spells' was written in bold at the top of the page. " what are doing Potter open your book" he snapped at Harry. " I-what are we even doing?" Malfoy turned to look at harry. A mixed look with anger and something else Harry couldn't put his finger on.

" we were given a topic you idiot. This is ours" he said with a tone of annoyance. Harry stared at dracos eyes he never realized how dark blue they were. Almost gray. " so we're partners?" He asked " no no no I just came and sat next to you for no reason Potter" it was obvious Malfoy was being sarcastic.

Harry opened his book and sighed resting his chin on his fist. He started thinking again, his eyes scanning the page in front of him reading the words but mind somewhere else. Ginny, Ginny, Ginny. He didn't see her at breakfast today.  Maybe she found someone new, maybe something happened to her. Why did he have to care. Why. That's when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder.

" Potter!" Of course, Malfoy. " what!?" Harry asked. Malfoys hand still on his shoulder. " I've found some dark spells and written them down" he said Malfoy looked at Harry. He looked good. Wait- no- wait yes. Ugh.

" and?" Malfoy rolled his eyes " we need to look more into them each one by one. I'll give you a paper you do half and I'll do the other. Sound good? " Harry wasn't in the mood to hear about all the work he had to do. " yeah sure- wait why don't we just meet up in the library?" Harry said in confusion.

" because Potter I don't want people to see you and me together!" Draco snapped back.

" fine it settle I'l let you into my dorm at midnight" Draco stared at Potter. Him go to potters room? No way. " I'd rather jump in front of the bloody hogwarts express then go their. Just- just meet me outside the common room MY common room. I'll see you there.

As soon as that sentence ended class has been dismissed and Malfoy had been up and out of the classroom.

Geez what's up his arse.

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