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Dracos pov

I woke up this morning. Nice and warm, already knowing potters arms were wrapped at me made me feel safe and comfortable. Another thing I noticed was how he always like to tangle his legs with mine, it wasn't uncomfortable and I got used to it.

I never liked staying over at peoples dorms but his was fine to stay at. It was warm unlike the dorms on the dungeons. I started moving my foot against his softly, I loved that small feeling.

" morning" I turned over still wrapped in his arms and smiled. He looked good with his glasses but even better when they were off. Those green eyes were my everything, they damn well represented slytherin but on the other hand he was a Gryffindor. Or should I say gryffondork.

"Morning Harry" the name Harry just didn't sound right coming out from my mouth but his smile made it feel right.

I leaned in and he leaned back. He leaned back? Why did he do that? "Did I do something?" He blinked and shook his head "no I just- I cant see clearly right now"

"Well you saw enough to lean back" did my breath stink? Did I look bad? Maybe it was what I called him? Was I too close? Oh fuck.

" I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm just tired come here" I sighed and leaned in again. He grinned and leaned in also. Finally his lips were touching mine and moving slowly. I loved it so much I love everything about him.

He slowly pushed me onto my back his lips still on mine and crawled on top of me. God it was a huge turn on when he did that. I moved my hand to grab his side and moved it up and down slowly. I loved his skin it was so soft and nice.

Slightly moving my hand lower I made it to his v line and could feel the little trail of hair he had. That's when everything stopped he pulled away and stared down at me.

I smirked and pulled my hand away. "And you didn't want to kiss me potty?" He chuckled and I pushed him onto his back quickly straddling his waist.

Did I love him? Maybe. Maybe not. No. Definitely not. I leaned down and pecked his lips, a smile planted on his face with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

I got off of him and grabbed his cloak then looked at him. He nodded and I put it over me. "Bye Harry" I opened the door and walked out.

Harrys POV

"Bye Harry" the door swung open and shut behind nothing. Malfoy made his life hell and Harry wanted to get back at him, so it might not be easy but it won't be hard.

I got up and took my uniform in my hands


I met Ginny in the hallway and we talked for what seemed to be hours. " did he sleep in your room"

"Well yeah but like I said he means nothing to me ginny only you do I promise" I leaned in and kissed her. She kissed back and I could taste her strawberry lipgloss on my tongue.

I pulled away and kissed her cheek. " I know Harry I trust you" I put my hand on her cheek and stroked it. "Good"

Noticing the small blush on her cheek I grinned. "Well I'll see around if not I can come over tonight?" What would I tell Draco? "Maybe we should wait until I break it off with the prat?" She nodded and sighed

"Ok darling" I stepped back and turned my head. A peak of blonde hair from the corner of my eye. Fuck. My heart was racing my knees felt weak.

" I'll see you okay?" Before I could get an answer I ran around the corner to see Luna Lovegood reading a blue book. "Oh hello Luna"

She turned and smiled "hello Harry" I let out a long sigh " are you back with Ginny?" I raised my eyebrows "not yet I'm working on it"

"Oh that's nice" lunas voice was always so calm . I liked it. " yeah how about you?" She shrugged "not really" I chuckled and started walking away

"Bye Harry!" I turned around and waved "bye Luna!" I walked off.


Later that day I sat next to Hermione and Ron in most of my classes. Malfoy didn't seem to care he sat with his two minions. Or Blaise.

" today we'll be working on a five page essay if not finished by the end of class it's homework" snape was one of the worst teachers. So much work for what reason.

"Sir we have quidditch tomorrow" it reminded me of what I said the third year. But this time he was a bit more calm " yes Potter I am up to date with when things are. Doesn't mean I'll let you pass up on work." I groaned

I looked over at Draco who was already taking his parchment out calmly. He opened his book to the number snape wrote along the green board.

I met up with my eyes in a matter of seconds and smiled making sure no one saw. I smiled back quickly and then opened my book breaking eye contact with the blonde.


Dracos pov

Potter had a quidditch game today so I picked him up a chocolate frog. I stuffed it in my pocket and pulled my black jeans up higher. They were skinny jeans since I don't like loose ones. I also had on a white shirt.


I made it to the bleachers and sat down. "And here are the gryffindors! With their star seaker Harry Potter!" I looked at Harry.

His hair flying back because of the wind. His glasses staying perfectly still as he moved with his team thru the air. I saw him give a friendly wink to the ginger girl Weasley.

As the game went on gryffindor kept scoring points. Everyone was cheering and no one would have noticed if I went along and cheered with them.

So I did.

I put my fist up in the air and my hand to my mouth " Wohoo! GO HARRY!!" I was right no one noticed and it felt great. I clapped and kept giving small shouts as they scored one after another after another.

" Potter has found sight of the golden snitch!" I looked back at the scar head and watched as he put his hand out to grab the small golden ball. A hufflepuff right behind him.

Soon enough he catches it " Harry Potter has caught the golden snitch gryffindor wins!"

I got up as everyone else did and clapped " Yes!"


Harrys POV

I was saying good game to all of my friends "good one mate" I looked at Ron as he grabbed my hand and shook it. " couldn't have done it without you" he smiled and patted my back as he walked away to go get a shower.

" good job Harry you looked really good while flying" I turned to look at Ginny and she smiled kissing my cheek "I'll see you after the shower yeah? Or maybe on it" she smirked and winked running off to go hug Hermione.

I blushed and felt someone wrap their arms around me from the back pulling me around the corner. I felt a kiss planted on my neck and chuckled.


"You did good you know" I turned to face him and grinned. "Thanks" I eyed his choice of clothing, I've never seen him in casual clothing

" I got you this" I looked down at his hand which held out a chocolate frog. They were my favorite.

I took it from him and hugged him. "Thank you love." I felt his head nod and he pulled away. "Congrats on winning"

" er thank you again" he smiled and nodded. " well you go get showered" I nodded and sighed. This is one of the last moments with him. So. I leaned in and kissed him

He kissed back and the pulled away. Alright Potter go shower you git. I grinned and nodded. Okay Mal- Draco.

"See you around"

"You too Potter"

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