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Harrys POV

Draco was currently laying on my bed reading some stupid book. Luckily he got his stupid point from snape which made him proud of himself.

As those last weeks went by I started to like him more. I just started treating him like I didn't care most of the time. " Draco?" He stoped reading and looked at me "yeah?" I smiled and pulled my brown braided bracelet that was made with yarn off my wrist . Molly gave it to me so why not give it to Draco. Let's say as a goodbye gift. I handed it to him and he stared at it as it sat on his palm.

" I'm not wearing this Potter" I grinned " come onnnn" he sighed

I got up and crawled over to where he was on my bed "it's just so odd" I straddled his waist and pulled his shirt up " really?" He looked down at his stomach and furrowed his eyebrows confused at the action.

I went down and started tickling all around his waist. He kicked and started laughing loudly "  P-potter! P-potter! S-stop! Please please!" He kept laughing. His tickle spot was on his sides of his waist.

"Okay okay! I'll wear it Potter!" I grinned and stopped as I got off him. He placed it on his wrist and tied it. "Gosh almost pissed myself" I laughed and watched him " that would have been funny as fuck"

He glared but then cracked a small smile "shut up"  I sat up and took off my hoodie. It was hot in my room I never knew wh- "can I borrow that?" I looked at Draco and squinted my eyes " what" he said simply

It was cute don't know why. I've alway notice how Draco wore long sleeves like turtle necks or his robe or that stupid suit. Maybe he's always cold. Maybe that's why he's so pale.

"Yeah sure" I said smiling and tossing it at him "thanks Harry" harry..HARRY? That's me! He's never called me that.

I watched him put on the black hoodie and he looked- wow. Pulling the hood on he tightened it by the stings. It fit him big. Since he was all skinny and I was well no need to brag but a bit muscular from quidditch.

He gripped his book again and laid down , then started reading. So calm so peaceful. His black socks that were on his feet rubbing against each other slowly. My eyes went higher to his silk green pajama pants.

A little of his pale ankle showing because of the pant leg moving up a bit.

I looked away as I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and and fixed my shirt a bit. "Coming!" Draco was still attached to his book

Little book worm. I opened the door and saw Ginny. " Draco give me a second I'll be back" I shut the door behind me before I could hear his answer.

"Um hi" she smiled. I smiled back and took her hand in mine "hi love" she blushed " I just wanted to say goodnight" I smiled and kissed her.

Lips were definitely different from dracos but I liked her lips. Nice and um rough. It's fine it's not about one part of her body it's about her. It was quick and fast and she pulled away "night love"

"Night Harry love you" she whispered

"Love you too" I said. She walked off in her beautiful pink night robe. I opened the door and entered.

The blondes eyes were closed . He was curled up and breathing slowly. I smiled a bit and walked over to him and took his book out of his hands.

I pulled the blanket from under him and pulled it on top of him. He smiled In his sleep. It was definitely a sight anyone would wanna see before passing away , a Malfoy smiling, a Malfoy happy, a Malfoy who is much more than a Malfoy.

Should I- it wouldn't hurt right? I leaned down and kissed his cheek then whispered "night Draco" I turned off the light and took my shirt off. Soon the person who's gonna be laying next to me will be Ginny

I laid down and pulled the blanket on me as well. Turning slowly I moved my legs to tangle with dracos and wrapped an arm around him. It was comfortable. Plus he's not special I would do it with anyone that's laying in my bed. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Maybe it won't be as easy to break off with him as I thought.

I don't know.


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