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Dracos pov

Class was absolutely terrible. All Potter would do was stare off into space not paying any attention to what we were doing. It probably has to do with that Weasley girl. She broke up with him, don't know when all I know is that she did.

I don't want to fail class for potters little break up so I had to do most of the work. We still aren't fully done but close enough where we don't need to study. 

I don't get what he saw in that ginger girl, she's pathetic and dumb. I mean out of all the Weasleys he picked her? If I was forced I would have picked one of those stupid twins. They are pretty funny and I hate to admit it.

I sat down on one of the couches in the slytherin common room. Nice and quiet, warm, good for thinking.

Potter just- he should just get someone better. Someone as good as me. I mean if you looked at the idiot with his beautiful green eyes, that sharp jawline, those stupid round glasses, his dumbass gryffindor robes and those ugly oversized clothes he seems to make look good. He makes everything he wears look good.

" oh shit- I like Potter" I whispered

" Draco." Said blaise as he sat down. He was wearing sweats and a shirt. " before I go to bed I'd like to ask you something"

I sighed. Does he ever not want to annoy me? " what. blaise."

" did you finally find out that you're gay?"

I looked up at him, annoyed. He asks me this every night and I alway answer with a simple 'no' but not tonight.

" actually I think I like girls and boys. But I've never really found more then one guy attractive."

" Potter?"  He said simply. How did- he didn't- what- " no- yes- no! Someone else"  I said getting up "now I'll be off to bed. Night blaise"

" night draco"

Harrys POV

Today was rough. Really rough. I saw Ginny, MY Ginny talking to another guy. Not dean

I thought she was interested in dean, why is she talking to someone else? A friend maybe?

Was what I was thinking until he leaned to the side and gave her a peck on the cheek. His lips touched her cheek. This is unacceptable, she lied to me just to get with another guy?

Doesn't seem like something Ginny would do. I  thought about her the whole day. I remember her lips on mine, they weren't the softest but that didn't matter.

She was never one of those girls to care about her appearance and I liked that about her. A lot.

I have to thank Malfoy for helping me get thru that first class. He's been acting different with me lately, but I like it.

Forget about him. I need a distraction from Ginny Weasley. Maybe a hook up? No I've never done that before. Maybe just uh find someone who has interest in me? Yeah that

Everyone has interest in me I'm the chosen one. I can get a girl faster than anyone could say 'Harrypotterhasmovedonfromginnyweasly' 

Ok maybe not that but you know what I mean.


I moved my tie around my neck a bit nervous about today

" you alright mate you look a bit..nervous" said the ginger

" yeah fine." I said slowly as we walked into the greathall.  Hermione was already settled down reading a book as always. I wonder if she actually eats because her face is always covered by a book cover.

Me and Ron sat down and i poured myself a cup of water. Looking around slowly I took a sip.  My eyes got caught on bright blonde hair, Luna, brilliant!

I didn't think luna was ugly she was quite cute actually and she was good at distracting people. I'm not saying she's not a bit crazy but she's definitely not ugly.

That's when I turned my head a bit more and looked at another blonde. Malfoy. He was picking at his food staring at his plate. Looks like the blonde got no sleep

Maybe I hooked him up with too much work yesterday. I'll remember to check up on him.

I thought a bit more and looked at the guy next to him. Blaise was it? He was a good looking guy and so was Draco. My head took another turn to look over at a raven claw boy who was smiling and laughing at another ravenclaw girl.

It was quite adorable..

I never thought of liking a boy. And I'm sure I don't like them. But if a boy was what I needed to take my mind of Ginny then screw it.

Malfoy got up from his seat and walked out of the greathall. " hey I'll see you two in class" I walked quickly off behind him hearing a bit of what Ron said " you didn't even eat!"

" Malfoy!, Malfoy, Hey Malfoy!"

3rd person pov

Malfoy turned to look at Potter and rolled his eyes " what Potter can't you see I'm busy?" Harry stood there awkwardly looking at him. " er no, sorry. I just wanted to know if you were okay you look a bit tired"

Malfoy glared and sighed " I'm perfectly fine. Thanks for caring tho" he said quietly

Potter didn't care. Did he? " listen Malfoy. Do you know if blaise is into guys and available?"

Malfoy stares at Potter in shock. His mouth opening and closing trying to let something come out but absolutely nothing came.

After a few minutes of thinking Malfoy said quietly " no he likes a girl and hes bi. But once again he likes someone at the moment."  

Potter sighed and nodded " okay thanks I'll see you I guess" he said and turned around.

Malfoy blushed and shut his eyes. Was he really about to do this?

" I am tho!"

What has he done..

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