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Dracos pov

Everything is going great. This is the best I've felt in years and it's all because of one scar headed brunette. We've been going out on dates at the lake and getting touchy but we haven't touched each others you know what spots.

I got up from the grass and started pacing back and forth " it's only a point off you're acting like Hermione!" I stared at the paper in front of me and looked back at the chosen boy. " never compare me to that mudblood." I looked back at my paper

" don't call her that Draco!" I rolled my eyes and out of the corner of my eye I could see him standing up. One point off huh. These were fucking exams I can't have ONE POINT OFF. I need no points off once so ever. My father isn't going to be okay with this.

" did you hear me!?" I looked back at potty and rolled my eyes " what Potter"

" I said knees." I chuckled and shook my head. "Funny one potty"

" I'm not joking Draco. Knees now"

I've called Potter potty as a joke cause I know he hates it.

" Potter I'm not scared of you just shove off for a minute will you? You'll get your attention I'm a minute" i bit my lip thinking

Maybe I can do something to earn the point back or maybe not cause you know they are exams. That's when I went back to reality feeling someone pushing me to the ground.

" I don't want attention. I want you to suck me off as a punishment. You have to learn that you can't say things like that about my friends"

Still not taking him seriously I got on my knees in front of him and blinked and spoke in a girly tone " yes haRRyyyy"

Don't know why but he seemed pissed off. It was only a joke.

" fine you want to act like that?" He started undoing his trousers and moving his robe back. " Potter you can't be serious someone can see"

" shut up" was all the brunette said before taking his dick out. And he certainly was lying when he said it was small. I gulped and eyed the length " Potter please don't make me do that here"

You had to face his body to actually see his dick because his pants were still on. Honestly I'm pretty sure it just looked like he was taking a piss.

" do something Draco. And hurry up I don't have all day I have to meet someone"

Who did he have to meet? Where? Why?

Harrys pov

Draco was on his knees in front of me about to wrap his hand around my cock when I hear him whisper something. I haven't had one of these since ginny and all I wanted to think about was her while he did this.

"Potter maybe another time I just-" I clenched my jaw and grabbed my dick and then the back of his head gripping the beautiful blonde hair that was surprisingly soft.

I smirked and looked at his lips as I put the tip against them. They looked all glossy from the pre cum. It made them look all pretty like ginnys . I did notice she wore lipgloss every so often now and then.

Draco quickly opened his mouth and sucked on the tip, moving his tongue around the head. Swirling it, I knew he was going to be great at that.

I threw my head back and bit my lip and I tightened my grip on the hair and made him swallow me whole. He gagged but didn't stop sucking.

He's mine to use right. so here I am using him and he's liking it all the way.

I started moving his head back and forth in a slow pace getting him used to it and after a while I was completely fucking his little mouth. Moving quickly thinking about Ginny.

Her beautiful hair. Her body. Her voice. All so beautiful. I bit my lip as I kept thrusting into the blondes mouth.

" mmh Ginny" I groaned trying to sound quiet so Malfoy didn't hear. Luckily the noises his mouth and my dick made together blurred out my groans.

I've seen Ginny undressed before and she was absolutely beautiful. Oh god so so close. I opened my eyes and looked down snapping back into reality.

His lips around my cock. His eyes staring up at mine. Tears going down his cheeks. I guess I could just- " fuck Draco you're so beautiful" I moaned and obviously we all know I didn't mean that. But I wasn't guilty so I just kept watching him as I fucked his mouth.

Soon enough I came over the edge with a loud moan. Seeing stars " god Ginny"

I opened my eyes once again and looked at Malfoy who had swallowed all of my cum. " what the hell did you say"

Oh god I didn't think he heard " I sad tuck me back in Malfoy. I don't have time for your games" he stared at me with a blank expression and then tucked me back in and zippered my trousers.

Definitely want to do that again. He got up from his knees and blinked. His lips were swollen and his cheeks were stained with tears. I'm guessing from the gagging.

I put my thumb on his cheek and wiped them away. His skin was so soft unlike ginnys hers was a bit rough even tho it was clear.

" you did such a good job darling" I never thought I would say that before especially to a guy.

" whatever you suck" he said and I chuckled.

" actually you were doing the sucking" I grabbed his chin and kissed him. Those same soft plumped pink lips kissing back. It was nice. Very nice

" Harry!?" The voice was very familiar. I opened an eye and saw Ginny Weasleys standing there in surprise. I pulled away quickly pushing Malfoy off of me and looked at her.

Her face was full of shock and then it turned quickly into the face I've always wanted to see the most on her. Jealousy.

She glared at Draco " can I talk to you Harry" I missed her beautiful voice " yeah" she walked over and snatched my hand before starting to walk towards the castle.

I looked at Draco who was staring at me. He looked disappointed? Mad? Angry? Wait same thing. Shocked? Hurt..

"Harry I- I miss you..and I get that you're with Draco which I've never known that you were into guys-" I cut her off

" Ginny. I missed you too. And I'm not into Malfoy. I just needed him as a distraction. I was using him to get you back."

The red head was smiling why was she smiling. Doesn't matter I miss it and that's all that will ever make me happy.

" you did that just to try to get me back?" I nodded awkwardly and she kissed my cheek quickly. " well that means you have to break it off with your other boyfriend cause I'm ready to go public Harry"

I grinned at her. This was all I ever wanted. This girl was my everything. " of course just give me a day or two and I'll break it off"

She nodded and grabbed my hand " I love you Harry" this came to a pure shock to me. She's never said that to me before. Never!

This was it. My plan worked. Me and Malfoy were coming to an end. And he can stay miserable just like his pathetic father.

" I love you too ginny"

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