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Malfoys pov

Shit, shit, shit! What did I do

I shouldn't have said anything, damn it HES going to tell everyone.

His back was turned to me and he was just standing there his head looking the opposite direction of me.

" you? Into guys?" He turned to face me slowly and stares at my robes. Obviously not wanting to make eye contact.

" I mean I think. I've only liked one guy so far but I'm also attracted to girls" my face was burning red. This was so embarrassing

"Oh and erm who was the guy you liked?" His eyes finally meeting mine. I took in a breath " none of your concern Potter. Anyway. Since when do you like guys?" I asked

" I don't know I wanted to give it try" stupid idiot wants to give it a try? You've got to be kidding me " plus I've looked at a guy before and thought he was good looking" oh well that's totally different.

So maybe he likes guys and girls like me and Blaise. Well I'm only into him- wait no. I am not. Oh let me stop playing I am.

" Malfoy?" I looked up panicked. His brows were furrowed and a look of confusion played on his face.

" hm?" Oh god I'm really screwing this up.  " I just need a distraction. Someone to get me off of Ginny" oh so he was using someone aye? To take his feelings off someone else? Pathetic if you ask me.

" that's pathetic Potter" ok so maybe I shouldn't have been that rough " what do you mean?! It's like me and you being in a relationship and I broke up with you! Wouldn't you find someone to help move on?!"

He really likes to scream doesn't he? " no."

" then you're a dumbass!"

" that wouldn't happen because I wouldn't have let you break up with me Potter!" The silence between them stood for a while

" if I liked you that much I would have tried my everything so you would stay with me. It's that simple" another moment of silence

Harrys POV

" if I liked you that much I would have tried my everything so you would stay with me. It's that simple"

Damn he's smart. I never expected for Malfoy to be so- so how do I say it..understanding?

The lovey type?

I don't know. I mean he technically offered himself off for me. Didn't he hate me just yesterday and now he's telling me that he's available.

the silence broke after he spoke " I have to go"
Maybe he should give Malfoy a shot.

He has treated him like absolute shit for those past years but right now he could use a distraction. And that distraction was going to be Draco Malfoy.

" wait draco!" Harry called as he caught up to him

Since when did I call him Draco? The slytherin stoped in his steps and looked at Potter. " you said my name.." I mean it's true I've only ever called him Draco once and that was in first year. 

" yeah. Erm, doyouwanttogotothelakelaterandhangforabit?" That came out all too fast.

" what?" Knew it. " I asked if you wanted to-" that's when the blonde interrupted me " no I heard you. Loud and clear." We stood there staring at eachother for what seemed to be years.

" fine" he finally said.

" great I'll see you then" I grinned and walked off. Maybe this will make Ginny jealous. I just need to tell my friends about it so they won't think it's serious.

3rd persons pov

Harry walked over to Hermione and Ron with a wide grin on his face.

" hey, I have some good news"

Ron and Hermione looked at him with a questionable look " well are you going to say it?" Hermione spoke

" oh erm yeah sorry. So you know how Malfoy has treated us like rubbish all these years?" Harry said

" well yeah" the ginger spoke up " well he's found an interest in me. And I'm gonna use him to make Ginny jealous"

Rons jaw dropped with pure shock " m-malfoys into guys?" Harry nodded at his friend and Hermione cleared her throat her eyes wide " Harry that's a terrible idea, you just need to move on"

" wait- no maybe Harry should do this Hermione. I don't like the new bloke that Ginny likes and plus Malfoy deserves this"

They started walking to class " Harry, you shouldn't do it. Malfoy is a person like all of us he might not act like he has a heart but he does and using him just isn't right." They both stared at Hermione

" since when did you care about Malfoy? Dont tell me you fancy him?" Hermione rolled her eyes " No Ronald I don't. I'm just saying" Harry thought about it for a minute. "He said he fancy's girls as well but only liked one guy so far"

" well isn't it obvious Harry? You are that only guy" said Hermione entering the class. " Hermione he calls you a mudblood come on let Harry do it" she took a breath and looked at both of them as they sat beside her. " do what you want Harry. Don't involve me in it tho. Ron grinned at Harry and Harry smirked back.

Harrys POV

My plan is going to work perfectly
And I'll make sure of it.

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