11-the end

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Harrys POV

I haven't seen Draco all day, but I was fine with not seeing him it gave me more time with Ginny.

"You have to tell him Harry I'm getting impatient" said Ginny

"I know I know I'm sorry love I'll tell him..today."

She looked at me and stopped  in her tracks . "You would do that for me?" She asked

"Yeah anything for you ginny, I'd kill him for you if I had too" she smiled and blushed

The thought of not having him in my bed tonight was weird, I wouldn't miss him but I wouldn't forget he was the first to claim it. But it's okay cause now Ginny was gonna replace his spot.

"How do you plan to tell him Harry?" I looked at her and sighed "I'm not sure darling"  I grabbed her hand and walked to my dorm.

"Maybe to take our minds off of it we can have some fun" she smirked and I opened the door slowly

"God I would love to" I kissed her and entered the room never leaving her lips and closing the door.

I slammed her against it which caused her to moan into the kiss.  I looked at her and she smirked. "Have you ever kissed him like you just did to me?"

I shook my head "never, and I never will. He's a dumbass to think I would ever like him." She chuckled "no no wait he's an idiot to think I would ever love him. I almost told him I did just to play around with his little fried brain." I leaned and started kissing her neck

"Oh god..Harry." I smirked against her neck
" Harry. M-Malfoy he's"

"He's nothing to me" I muffled between open mouth kisses

"You weren't saying that in the shower."

That voice made my head snap up. I didn't want to turn, I didn't want to look. He's here he's heard. Most of those things were truth coming out of my mouth but some were rough lies.

I slowly turned on my heel and saw him. Sitting on my bed, he had a silver bracelet in his hand. It was magical

When you put it on your wrist it would snake around like a real snake would. "Well this is all new ha-potter" he stood up and stared at the bracelet. "I um- I thought you actually l-liked me"

His eyes were glossy like if they were little ponds filled with water. His voice was breaking.

"Anyway" he stuck his left hand in his pocket and walked over to me and Ginny with a small smile.

A fake smile.

" the bracelet you gave me, i thought it was thoughtful of you to give it to me. So I owed you back. I u-um smashed our names together."

A tear came down his pale cheek. Ginny was staring at him as well. This was where I felt the guilt. For sure.

He chuckled thru his tears and shook his head. "It's stupid but I c-came up with d-drarry..Draco and Harry, me and you"

He chuckled again and held out his hand " I had it printed on this bracelet for you. But I guess since I mean nothing to you, this means nothing to you so sell it"

I slowly looked at the bracelet. "Take it god damn it!" Ginny gasped and I jumped a bit. Still not moving I looked back at his face.

"This bracelet you gave me. It's from the Weasleys. The Initial is on the back..it's not noticeable but that's how much I stared at this little piece of shit"

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