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Malfoys pov

I took off my robe which left me in my gray vest and the button up shirt I had underneath it.

The boy who lived technically asked me out. Was I excited? Most definitely. Did it show? No.

I don't like showing emotions in front of people I don't like. For example, my father. Or the Weasley, granger, stupid oaf. Hagrid, None of the professors really.

I sat down on the stone bench holding the soft robe in my arms. The lake looked beautiful, it always did. But no one really comes over here anymore, honestly I don't know why but I do. At times.

As I kept thinking I stopped when I heard a twig snap. I looked over at where the noise came from and saw Potter standing there looking at me.

He was still wearing his uniform except he had token his robe off and he didn't have a vest on. What did I expect, really?

The thought almost got me to let out a chuckle. " sorry I didn't mean to scare you" I shook my head " it's fine" turning my head to look back at the lake the sound of leafs came closer and closer until it stopped.

" so how was your day?" The sound of his voice just made me feel..feel comfortable. " it was alright, yours?" I turned my head to see him looking at the clear water. Merlin he was an absolute angle.

I started down at his lips as he started talking about what happened in his classes

" then Neville fell off of his stool so obviously I stood up to help him but ended up tripping over someone's shoe on the way so you know" I couldn't help it anymore. I bursted out with laughter. The thought of Potter falling was hilarious.

His head snapped over to look at me and he grinned. " man I would have loved to see that!" I said laughing. That's when I heard the most wonderful noise. His laugh. That beautiful nice laugh. It was gentle but loud.

We sat there laughing are asses off for a while until we stopped and caught our breath. The noise of both of us breathing heavily.

" honestly we would have been great friends" he said calmly " well we could of but-" he quickly interrupted " you were being a jerk" I sighed and shrugged.

My heart stooped beating for a minute when he put his hand over mine. "It doesn't mean we can't be friends now" I looked down at our hands. Never noticed how pale mine were compared to his.

"I don't think that would work Potter, you have your friends and I have mine. Plus your idiot of friends would Never accept-"

That's it. Everything paused. Every single thing. His lips over mine, they were nice. Not to soft not to hard just perfect. I kissed back after some time and I felt a little smile curve at his lips against mine.

This is what I've wanted, this is what I needed, and no matter what this boy will become mine.

Harrys POV

would Never accept-" I leaned in and took his lips with mine. It was- well it was brilliant. I never would have thought that malfoys lips were so soft.

He wasn't kissing back so I rubbed my thumb against the back of his hand and he kisses back that easily. I hate to admit that I liked his lips more then ginnys but I just have to.

Me and him were getting along great so why not pick up the pace and get my plan working faster?

Didn't come to a surprise when that's exactly what I was doing.

I pulled away quickly and smiled at him. He stared at my eyes which made me nervous. I cant stand eye contact, I mean it really.

He looked down at my thumb that was still rubbing little circles on the back of his hand.

The thing was he made me laugh. I haven't laughed in a bit, and it was Malfoy who had me laughing. No Ron, not Hermione, but Malfoy. He's really helping me out with the distraction.

"Potter" he said calmly "hm?" I said as his head turned back to the lake "thank you" if I never dated Ginny maybe I would have been into him. Maybe not. I don't know but right now all I know is that I'm using him.

And I'm using him good.

" don't thank me I liked it" honesty coming out of me " me too" he said.

I never actually wondered if I was a good kisser but at least now I know. I mean Ginny has told me and I didn't ask cho but I mean if malfoys telling me I know that I am for sure.

" so do you maybe want to have a picnic tomorrow I mean there's no classes and I'm free" He smiled.

I made him smile, he had a nice smile a very nice one. " alright Potter see you then" he stood up. " leaving me already?" I said standing up and getting closer to him. " yeah I have homework to do" no wonder he's great at all his classes

" alright I'll erm see you. Meet me at 5pm sharp alright" he nodded. I really didn't want to do this but I did it anyway. I leaned in and pecked his cheek.

A little tint of pink coming up to color in his pale cheeks. "Ok see you then Potter." He walked off

"Yes see you then" I whispered

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