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Harrys POV

I stared at the celling as he rested on my chest sleeping peacefully.

I slipped out from under him and got up. Quickly I pulled on a shirt and headed to the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and turned on the hot water. I got undressed and stepped into the hot steaming water.

It felt so good and so warm, I ran my fingers thru it getting it all wet.

" Potter?" I jumped and looked at Draco who's head was peeking into the bathroom "yeah?" I said looking at him, I shower with my glasses I know it's stupid but I'm blind without them

"Why are you showering so early" he said calmly entering the bathroom and shutting the door. The glass door was foggy so thankfully he didn't see me. I've never seen him naked and he's never seen me naked.

I grabbed a load of shampoo ignoring him and scrubbed it into my hair. That's when I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me against them. I paused in shock.

How did I not hear the glass door opening? He's not naked right? What am I kidding this is a shower of course he's naked. " morning" he muffled. I turned around slowly and looked at him. "Wow Potter with an arse that flat you could never be a bottom"

He chuckled and I eyed him. His beautiful pale skin open for me to see. Every single inch of his body was hairless. Must shave.

Very skinny. His stomach as flat as a desk and his arse as- " Potter eyes up here!" I looked up at his eyes. Didn't even get to look at his crotch. Not that I wanted to im just curious.

"Mind moving I'm cold and I want to get under the water" I moved to the corner of the squared shower and stared at him as he rinsed off.

His eyes were shut his finger moving slowly against his hair, water streaming down every part of his body. And my eyes finally made contact with his cock. It was at least 8 or 9 but I could tell mine was bigger. Not that I cared.

I grabbed some of my shampoo and got closer to him so I could massage it in. And I did so, he smiled, eyes still closed but arms put down.

I pulled a bit on accident but the weirdest thing happened he moaned. Which seemed to turn me on by the way my dick reacted. I stared at him but then pulled harder and he did again.

"Potter stop" I turned him around and grabbed his hipbones enjoying the satisfaction.

I smirked "does that turn you on Malfoy?" He blushes and just nods.  " show me how much it turns you on" he smirks back and rinses off his hair.

After a minute of waiting  "sit on the ground Potter" I raised my eyebrows and sat down against the cold wall. He quickly straddled my waist and my eyes widen "D-Draco you need preparation"


" preparation" 

I moved my finger around his arse hole and he opened his eyes wide in an understanding way. I slowly put a finger in and he gasped. "O-ow fuck."

After a long minute I had three fingers into him moving up and down. His arms were wrapped around my neck and he was fucking himself on my fingers.

" mmgh..Potter" he moaned moving faster "fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck!" He sounded beautiful if I may say so myself.

Dracos pov

It felt so fucking good. I moaned with every slam down I made. I needed more, I needed something to fill me.

"Potter..please, please, please" I moaned still moving. Suddenly his fingers were removed and I felt empty. I heard him whisper a spell. Wandless magic? Soon I felt the tip of his dick at my entrance. "Looks at me"

I disobeyed and bit my lip. "Look.at.me" this time his voice sounded more demanding so I looked at him. Staring down into those beautiful green orbs that were covered by his glasses.

He definitely had a spell on so those so they didn't fog up. Not being patient anymore I sat all the way down pushing him all the way in.

Sucking in a large breath, it hurt like hell if I'm being honest but felt good at the same time. I stared at him as he bit his lip "fuck Draco you're really damn tight" the shower water covering my back, nice and hot.

I started moving slowly up and down. That was until the other boy grabbed my hip bones and started fastening the speed. It was obvious he was impatient. That or he just needed me to go faster

His head was against the wall still watching me. This time his eyes weren't closed. I'm glad. I listened as he groaned and made noises that I've never thought i hear coming out of that mouth "Draco you feel amazing. You're taking me in so easily it's like you've done this before" he said between moans

I leaned down and kissed him hard. It was sloppy but absolutely brilliant. He of course kissed back but pulled away to suck on my bottom lip. I groaned and moved a bit. That's when I froze.

That feeling was absolutely amazing. I pulled away quickly and Harry gave me a confused look. It only hit once so I angled myself to where I was and slammed down. A loud groan came out of Harry.

"Fucking hell that" I moaned trying to finish my sentence "felt amazing"

I looked at Harry who smirked and grabbed my hips lifting up. " so you've found your special spot?" He asked before slamming me back down.

I moaned loudly "Harry!fuck!" That's when he took full control and kept moving me at a speed that was gonna pull me over the edge. I grabbed the wall behind his head and wrapped the other one around my dick. Pumping up and down quickly.

" god Draco keep moving your dirty hand for me"

I did as told and In a matter of seconds I came. Falling against the other boy quickly as he kept thrusting upwards and after three more thrust I felt his cum inside of me. Dripping out of me

After three minutes of sitting against him I felt him pull himself out and I sat up to look at him. He smiled warmly and looked at my eyes. I leaned in and kissed him slowly and softly.

This time he didn't kiss back. Probably tired. I stood up and washed off.


After the shower Potter asked for some time alone. Maybe he was upset, or he was a normal human being and needed space. I walked out of his dorm and saw Ginny on her way towards it " hello Malfoy. I'm just gonna go see Ron" I nodded weirdly and walked off.


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