Chapter 3: A Ghosts Habit

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Pov GhostInnit:

"And that's- when I told Wilbur to shut the fuck up" I explained.

Even after I had told myself not to argue back with Wilbur I couldn't contain myself so I argued back and again I lost but I was the one telling the story here not Wilbur so he didn't need to know I lost so when I told the story I made it seem as if I had one. Once I had finished he stared into my eyes his mouth dropped he looked up to me in admiration. Or atleast I had thought-

"What's with that face? " I questioned.

"You said a baad word-" He claimed

"I don't know what your talking about" I replied avoiding eye contact and smirking deliberately so I seemed suspicious.

He stretched his arms out and pulled them back down to his sides and stared deeply at me with a frown on his face. I couldn't help but giggle.

"You said..."
"Fuck" He said loudly pronouncing the k.

My eyes widened and I clenched my mouth shut- For a second I had forgotten I was talking to a 6 year old... God his parents are gonna kill me- though I'm already dead so...

"Please don't tell your father's about this." I laughed knowing I could get in big trouble for this.

I saw his eyes stare at the ground.

"Please Micheal...?" I begged

Instead of answering my questing the child opened his mouth to speak and then stuck his tounge out at me.

'This little bitch' I thought

I was just about to lose my patience with him when I saw Ranboo was standing close in front of us. I hadn't seen him come in. Lucky he couldn't see me but he could sure see Micheal. Which meant from his perspective. Micheal was floating-

"Michael!?!" He said in a deep paniced voice.

"Hai Daddy!" Michael replied

"You-r your floating..." Ranboo stuttered.

Micheal stretched his arms out again and said

"Tommy said- fuck" Once again loudly pronouncing the k.

For a spit second Ranboo's expression went from shocked to surprisenly confused. But then his eyes widened and he placed his hand on the side of his head slowly taking in each breath.

"No one's there" He shouted.

"I.. i don't understand-"

I'm not sure weither he was talking to him self or Michael. But I released I had to do something now to try and resolve this mess I made. I crouched down so I could let Michael reach the floor and as I did he ran into the next room skipping with his hands in the air. I looked over at Ranboo by now his hands were on his face and he was muttering under his breath- so I walked over to him and pulled his right hand off his face. He immediately tried to pull away in panic as I had unexpectedly grabbed his hand to hard.

"Get off me!!!" He shouted as he continued to try and break free.

I managed to keep my grip on him and desided to find a quiter place to try resolve this. So I kept my grip strong and let my wings spread wider. I pushed my feet from the ground and lifted us both out through the open window. It was much easier than I thought to lift off put once I had caught dome air I realised my wings weren't strong enough yet to carry the both of us. My only option was to drop Ranboo through the attic window onto some old boxes and beds so he'd land OK and I consentrated on making my own way into the room. By walking And opening a door. As I closed the door behind me I realised how creaky the floor was meaning Ranboo would hear my every movemeant as soon as he heard me he pushed his face off the bed and backed up to the wall his hands on his knees.

"Who's there...?" He asked.

I knew even if I spoke he wouldnt hear me nor could he see me so I decided to do somthing bit unexpected. I slapped him in the face. Oooo what a mistake that was-. Immediately his blood boiled, his face steaming with anger then all of a sudden he leaped of the bed. Pushing me to the ground with him. He opened his eyes I could see how his confusion and fear quickly turn into anger and angression. His eyes began to flicker a faint purple colour his pupils darted in my direction although he couldnt see me. He must have know by now he had caught someone.

"Who is this!?!?" He demanded in a tone I had never heard him talk in before.

It was raspy and unclear like an endermans but I could just about make out what he was saying.

"Tommy-?" He asked out if the blue.

I stared into his eyes I could see the fear on my face through his now glowing violet eyes. I took this opportunity to catch him of guard so I pushed him off me it wasn't intill I pushed him of that I realised he was causing me a lack of breath. I sat up and extended my chest so I could now take deep breaths. He looked down at me.

"Tommy..." He repeated

I stared at the wall away from his direction and smiled sadly.

"Hey, Ranboo." I replied

I keep my gaze away from his only looking once or twice to he his reaction. His face was shocked but again frightened. He looked at me as if I was no longer human...

"Tommy, what happened to you..? " He asked

I closed my eyes and took a breath slowly.

"I died Ranboo" I stated on the verge of tears.

"I died..."

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