Chapter 4: Pandora's Vault

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Pov GhostInnit:

We sat there in silence Ranboo and I for quite some time not an awkward silence but more of a sad silence. Then suddenly out of the blue Ranboo said.

"May I ask Tommy?" He paused.

"How did you die?"

I opened my tear filled eyes and stared I started deeply into the wall visions and memories flooded my head. A real death stare some call it. Ranboo must have seen the anger in my eyes since he immediately apologised.

"No, I'm sorry... I shouldnt of asked..." He quickly stuttered.

I couldnt keep it in someone had to kow the truth. Besides although I didnt at first I now trust Ranboo deeply.

"It all started in the vault... Pandora's Vault- after I wasn't allowed to leave" I explained

"I was trapped with Dream..."

///Pandora's Vault///

"I wouldn't take it so hard Tommy." Dream said

"If you think about it this only gives us more time to fix this...To be friends again just like before."

"Again... Like exile" I asked.

"Just like the good old days" He exclaimed

My heart began to pound-

"Those weren't good old days Dream. Infact there was nothing good about them at all. You came- you would rob me- destroy everything I had- and leave.

"We're not friends Dream we never were!"

"YOUR NOT MY FUCKING FRIEND!!! I shouted in attempt to get my message across loud and clear.

"Now. And never again..." I finished.

He stood there in silence and smiled. Wider than before.

"Why are you still smiling?" I demanded

"I just looking forward-" He reached in his pocket.

"To seeing your face-"
"After I kill you..." He smirked pulling out a stail potato.

"You talk about Wilbur a lot you know-your both just so different yet so alike." He stated

"I think it's about time you joined him" He screamed as he charged towards me.

The potato still in hand. I had no time to prepare.

"Dream" I said

He ignored me and swung the potato straight into the top of my head. The prison potatoes were hard as rock. You had to smash them against the sticky walls which were already covered in rotten mash, to open them. I felt it bash into the centre of my skull leaving me dazed. But I had no time to spare he swung in another attack this time lower down the side of my head. I reached my hands out in an attempt to push him away screaming.

"Dream!" As I reached out.

He saw my arms lean out and took that opportunity to bash the potatoe into my now exposed chest. He swung and I felt it bash into my ribs. It felt as if the crumbled into a million countless pieces. I tried to block him from my chest but I was to slow meaning my face was now vulnerable to attack. So he bashed it again this time into my nose causing gushing blood to drop from my mouth and nose. I felt my energy being drained from me so my legs gave in to the ground leaving me on my knees my arms completely dropped. I couldn't speak nor defend myself. I felt his left hand lift my chin so I stared into his face his mask was still blocking his eyes but by noe it was slowly breaking away chip by chip so I could see more of his face than I ever had. My energy was now completely gone I let my eye lids drop as I felt him let go of my chin. My head pressed against the cold hard obsidian. Fir a second I thought maybe I was going to live but that was intill I heard him scream somthing to me by now my ears were fuzzed so I couldn't make out what he said. Immediately after he gave a final swing of the potato onto my skull again... That's when the void opened and the heat of the lava, the agony I was in and the rest of the world faded away as I fell into the deep.


I was lost in my thoughts once again. I saw back to when I was falling in the ever lasting void. I thought of the cold and the fear that over came me. It was almost like hell but it twisted your mind making your feel every emotion at once. I was helpless... Suddenly these thoughts were shattered when I fell two hands upon my shoulders. I couldn't see nor hear anything but when I tried to open my eyes they didn't flinch I was trapped in my thoughts. I felt the hands slightly tap. But as time went on te be came more vigorous intill they started shacking me so much I could fell my whole body tremble. It wasn't intill now I could move ever so slightly. It took a moment but I managed to get my eyes to open they shut them selves again a few times intill slowly I began to see again. I began to move my eyes to look around to see if I recognised this place. I soon realised I was staring up at a roof. A spruce wood roof. Before I could try to guess where I was I saw Ranboo towering over me and slowly he leaned over. He sat up and offered me his hand without even thinking I took it and he pulled me up so I was sat up like he was. My eyes started flickering so I began to slowly open and close them to try and get them to go back to normal in this process I looked down at my hands reaching them out checking both sides of them. I sighed I hadn't been brought back to life I was still dead...

"Tommy..?" Ranboo said.

"You good?" He asked

"I blacked out didn't I?" I asked Ranboo relieved I could now hear my voice.

"Yeah, you did." He responded
"You were still telling me about how you died- but as you started talking about the void. You just went silent and stared at the floor. After a few minutes you just randomly fell.

"Man..."I sighed
"Fuck Dream-"

"I need some air- I'm gonna head outside."

"Hope it'll help-" Ranboo said.

Once again I got on my knees and couched down. I unraveled my wings so I could take off and I pushed off the ground. I properly should of just walked out side considering I had just blacked out and that I was not yet used to my wings. So in result of this I didn't fly to high and my legs kuvked the top of Ranboos head as I flew out lucky he had ducked so I hadn't hit him to hard. Unfortunately I tripped on the edge of the window throwing me forwards towards the ground. Causing me to crash into the garden. I couldnt help but cough as I pushed myself of the grass. I landed right on my chest. I sat myself up and soon became aware for distance laughing. Of course Wilbur- Wilbur was watching from the above laughing his god dam head off.

"Your a freaking Ghost! " he shouted.

"And you can't even fly-" He laughed.

"TGAHAHA" He laughed as he fell.

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