Chapter 10: Rising Storm

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Pov Tubbo:

I stepped inside my house accidentally closing the door on Tommy's face as I ran. I couldn't hear what he said but I could here his distant whines.

I ran over to the ladder at the back of my house and climbed up to Micheal's room. I forgot to shout up to him that I was home... And to keep him safe I always told him if anyone came up without shouting, so he knew who they were, he had permission to defend him self while they were still climbing up-

I opened the latch...

He threw his violin at me-

Lucky for me his violin was small and light. But I was still shocked so I fell of the ladder lucky Ranboo was just a bit behind me and managed to stop me from falling backwards.

"It's just us Micheal!" Ranboo yelled.

Once again I climbed up the ladder and slowly lifted the hatch and climbed in.

Micheal stood glaring through the window and slowly turned to face me. He had a giant growing grin on his face...

"You... Did you know that was me-" I questioned.

He blinked grinning at me intensly.

Ranboo climbed up the ladder and looked at the both of us.

"What's with the faces?" He laughed.

I looked into Micheal eyes he stared back intensely.

"He knows what he did-" I said crossing my arms and turning away.

"Which is?" Ranboo asked.

"He threw th-"


An explosion sounded near by sending a shaky vibration through the air.

"That's TNT!?!" I shouted recognising the explosion noise.

"Techno!!!" Ranboo shouted as he ran to the ladder to climb down.

"Go up stairs and protect Micheal" He finished.

I turned to Micheal he stared right back at me terrified so he ran over and I lifted him up. I could feel his body trembling in fear.

I wanted to tell him that everything was going to be OK... But I didn't know if it would be this time. Regardless I still whispered.

"Everythings going to be fine, I promise you." I smiled.

I really hoped I was right...

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned and saw Techno stood behind me.

"I'll look after him, you should go help the others." He said.

I nodded and turned back to Micheal I pressed my head against his and hugged him tight before passing him to Techno.

I began to run towards to ladder when as I put my first foot on the step I turn around and stared at Micheal. I smiled again and stuck my tongue out at him. Regardless of his fear he smiled and did it back.

I ran through my front door which was already opened and looked to the sky it was blue as far as the eye could see. But there was smoke in the air towards the edge of snowchester.

'That must be the source' I thought.

Pov TommyInnit:

"Wait-" Yelled Ranboo as he sprinted towards me.

I had ran out the door the second I heard the explosion mainly because I was still on the floor-

"What are you doing-?" He asked.

'Wasn't it obvious-'I thought.

"I'm going after Dream." I told him.

"So you also think Dream's behind the explosion?" Ranboo asked.

I nodded.

"I'm going to find him"

"Then what-" Ranboo paused.

"What's your plan after you find him...?"

"Kill him" I explained.

Ranboo sighed.

"If you look at the front I'll take the back he can't attack us from both sides" He explained.

"Your going along with this-?" I questioned.

He walked closer and placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to his face.

"I know I can't stop you, so I might as well give you a better fighting chance..." He smiled.

"Thanks Ranboo-" I spoke.

We ran our separate ways as I heard Ranboo shout.

"Don't do anything crazy Big man!"

I laughed to myself I wasn't going to let him down. I was going to kill Dream even if it was the last thing I did...

These thoughts were shattered as I reached the end of snowchester I saw a shadow of a man standing on the hill. I was confused as I headed towards the hill. The man held two tridents I assumed it was foolish as the man was tall and looked to be summoning some kind of lightning upon the hill or at least about to. But what was foolish doing here I questioned.

"Ay! Foolish!" I yelled up.

The figure stopped and looked down the hill and waved.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He seemed to of not heard me as he went back to his tridents. He pointed them both to the sky and threw one straight up into the air. The sound of thunder echoed through the air.

The sky began to darken and clouds formed from the once blue sky leaving the world in gloomy darkness.

A bolt of lightning struck down hitting the figures second trident the trident was glowing so bright flowing with electricity. I could no longer look its direction I lifted my arm to shield my eyes.

But it wasn't intill I slightly moved my arm that I saw the light was getting closer I had no time to move nor react I could only watch as the light drew near.

That was intill I felt a strong force leap to the side of me pushing me and it's self down to the ground. I turned my head and watched the lightning shoot over both our heads.

I turned to face the figure who had saved me the smell of smoke was still near to us.

Then I saw the figures arm was burnt and still burning he let out a cry of agony as he curled to the ground. The first figure stood still upon the hill gazing upon its destruction. Satisfied the figure turned away into the shadows.

The terror that travled down my spine as I saw who it was.

Pov Tubbo:

I was sunk into the ground I felt myself fall deeper every second I would have fell completely if it wasn't for the agony that had travelled up my arm. It wasn't the first time I had felt pain like this nor was it the second it had stolen my other lives I thought it was going to steal this one from me too.

"Come on Tubbo..." I heard a whisper.

"I'm gonna help you, I just need you to help me a little first"

I felt someone trying to push me up but I only pushed my fell towards the ground I couldn't bare anymore pain I just needed to stay.

"Please Tubbo... Just trust me it's only going to get worse if you stay here..."

I had nothing else to lose.

"ok..." I whispered.

I didn't know weither they had heard me or not but straight after I felt them grab my other arm and place it over there shoulder. Slowly lifting me off the ground. I felt my arm stab and an barable pain through my body. It was too much for me to take.

I couldn't fell anymore everything had just left me I wished to be dead and for all my pain to be taken from me.

I slowly felt my pain fade away as I took one last glace of the darkened world.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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