Jimins pov
I walk to jungkook "jungkook?" I speak softly so I don't scare her. She looks at me "p-please don't hurt me" he quickly pulls money out her pocket and holds it out to me "it's all I have...I'll get you more in school tomorrow! I pro-"
She gasps when I wrap my arms around her hugging her. Tears roll down her cheeks and I look at her "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to help you" he relaxes in my arms and she sobs gripping the back of my shirt.
I gently stroke her long hair "jungkook....Will you tell me what's going on?" she shakes her head "I-I can't! Because then you'll tell your parents and then they'll call the police and then both my eomma and appa will be in prison! I can't be alone again! I can't do it!"
She steps back and I see blood running down her leg from the wound on her thigh. She shakes her head "I'll be fine!" I scoff "self-harming isn't okay jungkook!" I go to grab her and she finches and looks away..
I pull my hand back "shit...i didn't mean to raise my voice. I'm sorry" she shakes her head and then puts the money in my hand and rushes into the restaurant again leaving me alone
I don't know what to do!!I can't go to the police because I've hot no evidence! And jungkook won't tell the truth and I know that for a fact now!
But I can't just leave her like that!

Care for you (lesbian jikook)
Fanfiction🔴🔴Trigger warning🔴🔴 #######self-harm########## "it's in there isn't it??.... Either you get it out or I will" "why do you even care?!!!"